Troubling news... Aid from the North

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    We rode north from the troll caverns with one single purpose: to get to Moonglow as fast as possible.​
    There seemed to be some unseen force thwarting our journey as we rode. More and more foul creatures
    were standing in our way as we rode. I do not think the Steward of Paws could have kept the creatures at bay
    as he had done so in the past.

    While taking a short breather between bouts with the ever increasing monsters, Hans let his thoughts become vocal.
    "Lady Oni, you know the troll lord speaks with others, even those that are not as we."
    "Indeed he does," I replied "Perhaps this is the reason for the increased activity of these foul creatures.
    Someone must not want us to find out about the stoppage of time, or where Ol' Jupe is."
    "We must continue to keep moving and be ever more vigilant."
    We pushed on and made the Village of Paws by early afternoon. We rode up to the wizard's tower.
    A single note fluttered in the wet,damp breeze. Even the weather had turned against us.
    Spethas rode up and read the note.
    "New steward named in absence of Jupiter. Tomah takes over responsibilities of Paws."
    "Well, maybe now the area will be safer once again." This was the first time Spethas had talked since his comments at the troll caverns.
    "Hopefully," I said.​
    The village was still very quiet, but the area was clear of the "unwanted."
    "Looks like Tomah has taken on the stewarding on the right foot, Hans added.
    "Looks like. We will have to come back and visit the new steward sometime.
    But if we hurry we can reach the Eternal Realm by sunset. I wish to talk to Alesha and find out all the news of the realm."
    We rode out of Paws and headed towards Headwater and the west side of the river. We passed through Spiritwood and made the Realm just as the sun was setting over the Hedge Maze.
    It was a beautiful sight. It lifted our spirits as we rode up to the Tower.

    I met with Alesha, and we talked about the massing of the undead horde and the troubling news of the disappearance of Jupiter.
    I told her of my plans to go to Britain and sail for Moonglow as soon as passage could be obtained.
    She agreed with me that the locating of Jupiter was a top priority.
    "Take care, Oni and get some rest," She said as i stood to leave.
    "I will." Suddenly the last few days caught up to me and I yawned.
    "Take Hans and Spethas with you. They will of much aid to you."​
    Alesha's insight was always very helpful.
    It was good to have her as leader of our Realm and most importantly a true friend.

    We rode for Britain the following morning, the three of us.
    We proceeded to the docks to see if a ship was available.
    There were no ships in the harbor. the harbor master told us the ships had all left
    because of the rumor of the undead horde getting closer to Britain.
    "The last ship left very early this morning bound for Nujel'm and Moonglow," he said. Hans interrupted the man.
    "Was there anyone who bought passage?"
    "There was a few who who bought passage."
    "Was there a man in a grey cloak and old battered hat?" I questioned.
    "Aye, he went aboard with a couple of hooded fellas."​

    We thanked the harbor master and turned to leave.
    I noticed a man dressed in a brown robe standing in the shadows of the door of one of the dock buildings.
    He seemed to be very interested in our conversation with the harbor master, or so I perceived.

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    I casually walked over to him and struck up a conversation.
    "Good morning," I said cheerfully. " I am Lady Oni."
    "Good morning to you, Lady Oni. I am Halabinder."
    "Well met, Halabinder. What brings you to the docks this early?
    "I was down here till early morn' playing chess with an ol' man in a grey cloak.
    I wanted to challenge him to another game, but he must have slipped off on the boat that was docked here."
    "Did he seem distraught or preoccupied?" interjected Hans.
    "Not so much, but he did keep looking over to a table with two hooded fellas, like they were with him or were of concern to him."
    "they must have left early for I dozed off for a couple hours after the game. When I awoke the ship had sailed, and he was on the boat,
    if the harbor master can be trusted. Sure would like to play another game of chess with the ol' guy."
    "Perhaps you shall," I replied."You seem to be of great mind and spirit, what is thy profession?'
    "I am a very capable healer."
    "Would you care to travel with us? We could use a good healer in our party.
    "Alas, Oni, I cannot. The undead horde comes and much suffering they bring. I best stay here in Britain for now."
    "Thank you for your help and information. Perhaps our paths will cross again, soon," I said hopefully.
    "I would like that very much, Oni."​
    He turned and walked away.

    "Lady Oni," Spehtas broke his silence again. 'He seemed sincere and trustworthy."
    "Yes, he did," i replied.
    "Jupe has been abducted, Oni." Hans had been standing behind me the whole conversation with Halabinder and finally spoke.
    "It would seem so, Hans. Clearly he has some sort of "traveling companions'. He does not travel with masked or hooded characters.
    Everything he does is unsecretive and open. Those that travel with him are known and seen."
    "What are we to do now, M'Lady?" asked Spethas.
    "We must find a way to Moonglow and soon.
    "Hans, who has a boat we could get on short notice?"
    "Eritan has a suitable boat , but he has not come back fro the scouting of the undead.
    Also, Vlar of Stormhold has a fleet of ships."
    "Vlar, hmmm," i mused. "We could contact him by the crystal at the tower and see if he is able to help."

    In less than an hour we had ridden back to the Eternal Realm.
    To our extreme surprise and very providential, Vlar was at the Tower with his pet mongbat, Nibbles.
    "Ah Good morning, Lady Oni and Hans." The proverbial pipe was tucked away under his cloak, just barely showing.​
    He eyed Hans somewhat suspiciously and turned to hide his money pouch.
    "Good morning, Vlar. What brings you to the Eternal Realm.
    "Was testing out me new boat."
    "Oh, really!" I tried not to act too excited.
    "Oh yes. She is a fast ship and handles the water very well."
    "Oh! indeed, i said. Still trying to hold in my euphoria.
    "Yes. It is anchored not far from here. Did you know the docks at Britain are closed? And they would not let me put down anchor.
    the nerve of the harbor master. Refusing such a one as Lord Vlar. Nibbles wanted to take a chunk out of him."​
    We all laughed. It felt good to laugh.
    I quickly told him of our plight, and he agreed to sail to Moonglow.
    "Besides, Ol Jupe owes me a pie or two for buying Young Rose's out before I could get some.
    "First mate Gareth, prepare the ship for action."
    "We sail with the tide."

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    "Destination: Moonglow!
    Courtesy of the Stormhold Navy".....
    Wise, Aeritas, Jupiter and 5 others like this.
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    * makes mental note to purchase some pies *
    Oni Neaufire likes this.
  3. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    This story has been added to the oral history of Paws.


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