I think everything should have a slayer to which it is weak. Whether that means cramming more monsters into existing slayer groups or adding new ones, I don't care. I just want every creature to have a slayer type. I think sea serpents would be perfectly fine in the reptile group. In fact, when I first started here and was fishing I tried using a reptilian death weapon on them thinking it would work on them. Also, the loch lake monster should have a slayer!
After doing a little testing it seems as though the reduction in AR value of barbed is balanced out by the dice roll system. So those that thought that mages in barbed leather would be at a disadvantage will be able to sleep soundly, as I really don't see any real change after pounding away on a mage toon with GM wrestling and GM barbed leather. AR 31 seemed to stand up VERY well against every weapon class I tried. The only difference was that there weren't any one damage hits as before, but I did notice ALOT of low end hits so in all actuality mages are going to be just fine. I'm not sure what this patch was meant to do, but the damage seems the same, the AR's may have changed but the damage seems to have been balanced out to accomodate for this change so the net effect appears to be weapon damage in very close approximations of pre-patch damage vs. a barbed leather opponent . Metal armor AR's seems to have seen a drop but it really didn't seem that bad except plate that seemed to let through some damage numbers that just seemed a bit high but maybe this patch is meant to balance things out across the board? War axe still needs to be draining stamina, but punching seems to be working as it should be so my stun mage can now interrupt if he lands a punch, that's good to see.
Nice work, however I am all for the "GM WEAPON GUD" proponents. Call it hard headed, inbred, stupid, or whatever floats your boat, but there still some old school players who chop every board, and mine every ingot, just so they can make and use their own "GM GUD" items.
When using the new method to fill BODs, it's combining the correct number, but in the system message it says one less and the target stays up. For example, if I'm combining a 20 deed it will pick up 20 items and the deed says 20, but the system message says 19 and the target is still up It's doing the same for smith and tailoring
On the test server - I noticed a magic arrow wand did 1-2 points of damage through magic reflect last night. I'd like to test if I can disrupt when the other player that I'm targeting has have reflect up. Instead of a red floating number representing damage, I observed (only when hitting reflect) a different color floating up, that's only through reflect though (no reflect = standard red). Big advantage if I can run in and disrupt a recall through reflect vs trying to close the gap to wrestle disrupt. Edited to make it a bit easier to read and fix my grammatical errors.
Wand functionality should be unchanged in this patch. The damage will be converted to dice rolls in the next patch.
One more detail on the BOD cursor issue - if there is exactly one item left to fill, it works correctly.
"successfully landing a stun" can still yield "0" damage. I tested in both on TC and in game (post patch), and you can successfully land a stun punch while doing 0 damage.
I'm getting 0 damage with my LJ fairly frequently as well (with power weps). WIth and/or without concussion hits.
Concussion is unrelated to damage roll, I think it's just a random 1/4 chance upon landing a hit. Though before the patch, I found lumberjack/axes to have the highest minimum damages, and I suspected it was because the LJ bonus happened towards the end of the formula, after halving and armor and whatever else.
I realize it is unrelated to a damage roll but the sound of hitting is there, the animation of hitting is there, concussion is there, but any damage of any sort is missing. My LJ is only 70 but I still get plenty of 1,2 damage hits...as well as aformentioned nil damage.
Are you missing some skills? Combat damage is based on Anatomy, Strength and Tactics. It would help if you post some RPV's to back up your results as we cannot re-create what you are experiencing. A damaged weapon as well will vary between 100% damage (new) and 50% damage (almost broken)
92 tactics 75ish heal 70something LJ Sword/Anat/Peac/Music GM Fairly new Vanq Battle Axe, was shiny brand new last night...was noticing many hits in the 20s and 30s and every now and again low 40s. After about 10 minutes of intermittent use, I was getting a ton of single digit hits, happy with anything in the mid teens, ecstatic for anything in the 20s. So here is one with a ton of these 0 hp hits. My first RPV wasn't this bad but it somehow got deleted. First one is at 43 seconds, then 1:01, 1:43, 1:52, back to back at 2:12 and 2:14. At 3:26 there is one with the previously mentioned "concussive hit". Arms lored the axe right beforehand, it said a few nicks and scratches. Is this just what happens to a wep that isn't indestructible or juiced up with fort powder? Hit submit then realized I didn't upload the rpv.....now I can't figure out how to upload the RPV https://app.box.com/s/3froul601l8cib8272gp
FWIW, I've thrown a couple charges of Fort powder on this axe for testing. It goes straight back to it's original damage...again it looks like from a normal non fort/indestruc wep the damage drop off is ridiculous between a wep that's 100% new vs one that is 90% new