Patch B10: July 30th 2012 - Factions, Website, Bug Fixes

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Jul 30, 2012.

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  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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      • Incorporated the faction details of Renaissance into the website.
      • Faction membership will now be displayed on the online list, character list, and character profiles.
      • A map of faction control is now accessible on our faction status page. This information is updated every 5 minutes to allow our players access to ingame faction control from the website. Faction Status (See Image Below)
      • Resolved some problems with links on various pages.
      • Updated the downloads list with our custom client that was designed by Telamon and Rammar. UOR Downloads
      • Updated the existing system with a 3rd cycle to support some of our large scale exports, such as items and houses. This will allow us to slow down this process as the server grows while still keeping our status/faction/character information correct.
      • Created a system to cycle every 5 minutes that will export the faction and town control information.
    • Factions
      • Generated the faction system for the server.
      • Began initial testing of the faction system. A general guide on factions can be found here, however this is not exactly how factions will function on Renaissance.
    • Regions
      • Minor change to the way overland farmable items are spawned.
      • Removed the spawns of farmable creatures from the built in spawner. These will be created with the XML spawner.
    • Houses
      • Resolved a bug allowing players outside a house to place items in a secure container located in a house.
      • Resolved a problem with items in locked down containers decaying
      • Resolved a problem with banned monsters ignoring their ban status and re-entering the house.
    • Boats
      • Updated boats so that only the key holder can properly refresh a boat by double clicking the plank.
      • Incorporated the correct messages when refreshing a boat or checking on its decay status.
      • Resolved problems with missing messages when clicking on the tillerman.
    • Daily Maintenance
      • Added a system to restart the server every night at 11:59pm central time, allowing for a 15 minute period of no saves.
      • The scheduling of this is temporary to allow for easier testing in a no save period, and for monitoring of updates as they are applied.
        Once the server goes live on September 1st the daily restart will be changed the early morning.

  2. Mikanele

    Mikanele New Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Re: Patch B10: July 30th 1012 - Factions, Website, Bug Fixes

    Website update looks great
  3. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch B10: July 30th 1012 - Factions, Website, Bug Fixes

    Great work as usual. We all really appreciate the effort that the staff is putting in.

  4. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    Re: Patch B10: July 30th 1012 - Factions, Website, Bug Fixes

    I'm assuming you meant 12 AM or 2400 hrs, brother. Is this in effect now, or will it be implemented when the server goes live?
  5. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch B10: July 30th 1012 - Factions, Website, Bug Fixes

    This is in effect now. It will help with being able to push out patches and get all of the little things fixed. Not to mention a 15 minute server war will be pretty fun.
  6. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Re: Patch B10: July 30th 1012 - Factions, Website, Bug Fixes

    OK when goes live, server down time will be early morning? Any idea about what time?

    thanks, as always very nice work :}
  7. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch B10: July 30th 1012 - Factions, Website, Bug Fixes

    To my knowledge, server restart will be voted upon by the community :) We would do without one, however factions needs a restart to function properly.
  8. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Re: Patch B10: July 30th 1012 - Factions, Website, Bug Fixes

    thanks :}
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