Thoughts on a governed clan

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Godfrey, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Godfrey

    Godfrey New Member

    Nov 23, 2014
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    The idea isnt necessarily new, but perhaps taken a step further to allow for a different aspect of the game. Also, I understand certain aspects may be difficult to accomplish. My suggested idea for it would follow a rough guideline such as this:

    This guild will be strictly politically related (as in all actions determined through political action)

    Our home base and its territories will be guided by an immediate ruler and its council

    An immediate ruler’s abilities:

    · Declare War

    · Establish New Bases

    · Establish Trade

    · Dictate the terms of which we as an order operate

    · Elect one member of the council, no election necessary

    · Able to dedicate the order’s funds to any operation

    · May grant war/peace rewards to individual knights under the condition they are successful in their endeavor

    · Can recommend and enforce a council member for demotion, exile, banishment

    · Able to exile individuals who have committed crimes against the order or are not respecting the rules of which the order operates

    An immediate Council’s abilities:

    · Declare War

    · Establish New Bases

    · Establish New Trade

    · Able to recommend the terms of which we as an order operate

    · Able to dedicate the order’s funds to any operation

    · Able to advance individuals in rank

    · Able to recruit individuals in to the order

    · Able to impeach the immediate ruler

    · Able to recommend exile to the immediate ruler

    · Able to elect a new immediate ruler

    · Can be elected by the members of the order numerous times

    · May elect barons of any territories

    · If no new ruler has been established the council retains all of the immediate ruler’s abilities until a new one is established

    An immediate ruler’s cons:

    · Can be impeached by the council

    · Can only elect one member in to the council

    · An immediate ruler may only reign for three months at any given period unless re-elected for another three months or removed from power by the council earlier than the three months allowed

    · An immediate ruler can be assassinated during their reign if proper steps are placed in order (steps tbd)

    · An immediate ruler may only be elected twice.

    An immediate Council’s cons:

    · Can be removed from power by other council members or the immediate ruler

    · Only up to four members on the council are elected by the people and one is elected by the immediate ruler

    · An immediate council member can be assassinated during their reign if proper steps are placed in order (steps tbd)

    The order can be either good or evil depending on the current reigning powers. A notice must be made of their intents where everyone can see. The notices and any documents must have the mark of the ruler or marks of the council under each document. Any laws dictated by the reigning powers are expected to be followed by everyone of the order. The order may attempt to dictate the actions of the outside communities, with proper justification. Every member is expected to provide tribute to the order’s capitalist in the pay of one percent of profits. Tribute is never negotiable below one percent or above ten percent. When an immediate ruler is assassinated, he/she is replaced by their successor; typically following a member of the council whom is elected in to the position. The council may choose to forgo electing another council member as immediate ruler. If this is the case a period of three months grace is granted before an immediate ruler must be elected by the council. If another council member takes the role of immediate ruler, the immediate ruler may choose to elect another member of the council of their own choosing to have five members exactly. If a member of the council is assassinated then the order may choose to elect a new council member. To determine any winning vote a period of two days must be allowed and one determined through majority vote. Voting must take place for any new council (not counting the one elected by the immediate ruler) and the immediate ruler.

    When a council member or immediate ruler is assassinated they must be quickly removed from rank and either change their name and take on a new role as a lower member or be destroyed fully (after this occurrence they are considered dead). Any member who does not abide by this simple rule will be exiled from the order (while still be considered dead). If a rewards quest should fail the individual (knight or other) who accepted this reward is considered dead and must be quickly demoted in rank and either change their name or destroy themselves. If they do not follow this agreement they will be exiled from the order (while still be considered dead).

    All members are answerable to the council and the immediate ruler. Any order given must be followed no matter what the consequence may be. Any individual who does not abide by this requirement may be disbarred from recruitment and/or exiled from the order. If they should be killed in the process of being exiled they will be considered dead.
    PaddyOBrien, Jebidiah and garvey like this.
  2. Jebidiah

    Jebidiah Active Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    its interesting, but makes me wonder how many would actually follow this everyone likes to be a free bird. Although, the potential for events is there.
  3. Jittery Sauce

    Jittery Sauce Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    I'm interested in hashing up some ideas with you, I sent you a private conversation. Lets throw some ideas out and get something going.
  4. Godfrey

    Godfrey New Member

    Nov 23, 2014
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    I pinged you

    Im honestly surprised I have not received much reaction to this idea... It still employs the main concepts of this shard, but in a more organized manner.
  5. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    Sometimes a good idea won't get much attention on internet forums because there's nothing negative to say about it. . . Which I think is the case here. I like your idea. I've tried to get something similar started but there are too many cooks in the kitchen, as they say, for this to work out as you've probably imagined.
  6. Soulbourne

    Soulbourne New Member

    Dec 31, 2014
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    I actually was organizing a similar idea elsewhere, albeit in the proto stages as far as release. It's a solid concept, and certianly gives interesting amounts of structure. The absolutism of the "parlimentary monarchy" is the main thing I would have issue with-purely for historical reasons that need not apply. My system was much more decentralized than this, but could add interesting alternatives.

    My system was a series of tribes under a single clan. Each tribe had lords and a chief(So if the chief...had an end, the lords would take over through whatever process. Or could overthrow him if need be). They each had their own territory(Or barony in your case) and answered to the head ruler and council of elders. This also meant when the time of succession came, each tribe leader would fight or support for who they believed was the best successor(or vote in your case). This also meant that only through maintaining the loyalty of the other tribes could they not risk an attempted power overthrow.

    This also reflects an inherent trait among early and middle fuedalism. The king is merely the first among his nobles, given right to rule by their agreeance to his various powers and authority. While a lot of monarchies were inheritance based, early monarchies often favored electoral monarchies. The higher nobles(For instance, dukes) would each nominate and vote who they believed best. Often times this could be the current kings primary hier, but sometimes it'd even be foreigners(The prince of Norway inherited both Denmark and Sweden through political manueverings of his mother to get the local nobility to favor him as the elective hier of each respective country. This ended badly since Norway went from the strongest of the three to losing half it's land and bouncing back and forth as puppets of the other two but >.>)

    Your system allows for the assignment of lesser nobles, but currently favors a more open democracy in favor of modern ideals. While it'd work for some, it's quite possible to decentralize the council into various "petty nobility" as it were and allow them to gain power and squable among themselves to decide elections, while the other guild members decide which noble is the best-or the weakest and easiest to replace-for themselves.

    However, that's just my thoughts.
  7. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I've always liked the idea of guilds who claim/control certain towns and territories. I think if you dig enough in the internet archives, you can find the old pages for the rp guilds on OSI shards. I remember on Atlantic there was some sort of "Britannian Governing council" only some other name for it that I can't recall. They were basically a collection of rp guilds and townships and had their own rules and regulations, elections, territories and so on. It seems we have several active rp towns and guilds that we could pull it off, and it would make recruiting a lot easier by giving people a purpose rather than wandering around aimlessly.
  8. The hound

    The hound Active Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    I love the idea.. i do believe an idea this big has to have a lot of involvement..

    Think of a pyramid if you just have the few at the top there's no shoulders to stand on.

    I would be up for joining into this idea with a non guided character. Message me?

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