
Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by DarkWing, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. DarkWing

    DarkWing Senior Counselor
    Senior Counselor
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Lumberjack skill should raise alongside swords when fighting with an axe i believe!

    and at 85.3 i still have not found any oak tree's - i have been all over the forest outside of west Trinsic!

    will continue this afternoon when i get home from work!

    Keep up the good work guys
  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    That is actually correct however a small adjustment was made to this passive gain to cap the gains at 50. In testing players were able to GM lumberjacking with little to no effort while training swordsmanship. I am still looking through patch notes to see if OSI ever fixed this, or did it on purpose. But realistically it doesn't make sense that you could GM lumberjacking while working swordsmanship with a hatchet.

    So for the moment passive gains are capped at 50.
  3. Rainbow

    Rainbow Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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    When I played on Lake Superior I GMed Lumberjacking from sparring. Then I let guildies spar off of me up until I quit. That was in like Jan 2002. So it was sparable up to that point atleast. However it seemed to still take ages to GM regardless. I think the 50 cap is fine. Because without it LJing took me 2 days here to GM. Way to fast for a skill as powerful as that.

    Also for the recordon this subject. I hope LJing/Axe damage is not capped if you are giving inscribe bonuses to RA. Balance is balance but if you give inscribe bonus to defense. Axe damage should not be capped especially if people are having to take over 2 weeks to GM the skill itself.

    Just my 2 cents.
  4. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 14, 2012
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    I think a 50 damage cap is fine. If your swinging even a power axe and hitting for 50 damage ever 1.5 seconds and throwing purple potions, I dont really see any need for more damage in there. There are lowering the damage of explode potions as well to tone down the Over Power of stun/alchy mages as well. I think it will all balance out quite fair once we go live and really get a chance to test it. At server wars the other night I was getting rocked by a LJer.
  5. Dejekt

    Dejekt New Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    It was intentional, could GM it off entirely fighting with an axe on OSI, though it did gain a little slower than the actual sword skill. It gives a damage bonus to using one, the logic is that it's basically an extension of swordfighting technique when using an axe.
  6. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Yea, We have a variety of conflicting pieces of information at the moment for how it was handled during the era. Initially it looks like it was capped at 60 for passive gains and later adjusted to allow for passive gain to gm.

    The passive gain cap does suit our mission statement here, less for the combat aspect but more for the economical aspect of players being able to become a grand master in a harvesting skill by never actually using the skill.

    This could be equated to say, getting a gm miner, by fighting with a pickaxe.

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