The 10 Million Gold Thread

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Blaise, Jan 21, 2015.

Would you like to see super rare mask dyes, for 10m gold on an NPC vendor?

  1. Yes, I feel this would help the economy and satiate my inner Trammie.

  2. No, I don't like people getting things that don't impact me negatively in any way.

  3. No, because I have an elite mask and like to lord that over others

  4. No, because I don't like you. (easy out)

  5. Yes, because I enjoy UO and am apathetic to such things.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    The idea surfaced in a recent thread about mask dyes and gold, etc etc. I think it would be a boon to the shard, to provide a massive gold sink in the form of unobtainable mask dyes or perhaps even sandals.

    Knowing that you may never see another 33 hue mask (even though I hate them) is sad news for several players. Others have a soft spot for other colors or other pairs of sandals. Personally (no shocker) I am pretty fond of the 1359 orange mask dye. While I don't want to devalue anyone's, I do think it would be a courtesy to the community to put in place some lofty goals for players who really really want them.

    As you can see by the above chart, the amount of gold is ramping up quite steadily with the increase of active players here. We could steady that economic glut by providing some very top tier gold sinks. In order to sink gold out of the economy, it must be used to purchase single super high value items, thus removing the gold from the game. Currently the only option is neon hair and beard dye, which tops out at 1m per character. This seems hefty but really isn't a great deal and not many folks care that much about hair, considering it's typically covered with a nice mask.

    Thus, I feel a great super high level gold sink item could be very rare hue mask dyes for......10 million gold each.
    With a cost so high, the market for existing masks would not be impacted (their value may actually increase as a result) but new players can look at The_Musician or Markos or any other Tramm-Elite with a super bling mask and think "If I just work hard at it, I can earn enough gold to buy my own for an inflated price with an added bonus of helping the economy stay as stable and friendly as it has been these last few years"

    Granted, many people will balk at this and I welcome feedback and input for how this could be made to work or even alternative suggestions that would suit draining some of the 280m+ gold sitting around on the shard. Granted, 100+ million is "inactive" so it's collecting dust in someone's bank but that still leaves quite a bit of gold laying around and quite literally nothing to do with it. Buying things from players just moves gold around and there's only so much fun to be had with hair dye.

    Some various stipulation ideas:
    Hard limits on how many of any particular hue can be purchased: For example since there are two 33 masks already, perhaps only allow 3 more to be purchased and cap any other duplicate rare hues at 5 as well (like the 1271 mask Markos has).
    Hard limit on how many times a single player can purchase these dyes
    Force any gold-sink dyed masks to be created on the spot at time of purchase and remain non-transferable for the life of the item and the account. If in time the character with the mask is deleted or inactive for one year or more, the color can be added back to the available rotation.

    I know some folks would love a shot at the 1150 masks, others the 1271 and personally I'd be after that 1359. I have practically no uses for gold any more and having one that removes it from the world, would be cool. Not that I need it or any more masks and sandals but something to shoot for, is a nice thing in gaming and I would probably swap out some masks to get more gold out of the system.

    So that's the idea: Top tier rare hue masks/dyes for 10 million gold each. Nothing less, but possibly more. I know I'll probably get a lot of haters on this thread but it's ok. I still have just as many f@$ks to give as I always have.

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
    newme, Jack of Shadows, Dimas and 2 others like this.
  2. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    I see no reason why not to have a gold sink like this, except there are plenty of hues we could give out that do not overlap with existing masks, and I would hate to unfairly burden those poor souls who have elite masks by creating more duplicates.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Edited, for your pleasure, sir. :)
    El Horno likes this.
  4. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2012
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    I voted no because I like to lord over people but I do agree that it would be a good gold sink, just make it no name dye and the holiday rewards can remain named for extra lording over power.
  5. Arnold Lutz

    Arnold Lutz Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    I would save up 10mil gold to purchase sandals personally, but not a mask. 10m is a pretty good number that is obtainable over time and really will sink a large chunk. You would have to be able to pick what you wanted. But on the other hand could not name any items (so event stuff is still unique) and shouldn't be able to get things already in circulation.
    newme, The Musician and Blaise like this.
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I agree it might be nice to only see hues that have yet to be made here (108 plz, kthx), however I know Telamon has stated in the past that he has a 5 year plan for hues on reward items. I wouldn't want any conflicts there or to apply butthurt to existing mask owners, if that is of any serious concern to them.

    Thus, the only reason I suggested existing was that I don't know what Telamon has slated for the coming years (plz 108). That said, love the feedback, keep the good ideas rolling. It may never come to fruition but you know I love conversation. :)
    newme likes this.
  7. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    if this ever goes in, tuck it away somewhere where new players will never find it. if i logged in to a new server and saw an item on a vendor for 10m, i would feel overwhelmed.
    Kane, AnRobot-, newme and 4 others like this.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yeah, I wouldn't think Occlo the best place for such a vendor. Perhaps we could just place it inside Gideon's fortress.

    That, and I don't see new players getting overwhelmed with the cost of a 2m gold fortress. I see players clamoring to make gold so they can buy one. :)
    Gideon Jura likes this.
  9. [Mobolin]

    [Mobolin] Active Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    Voted yes...obviously.

    But I wouldn't mind perhaps having less desirable hues for a bit less gold as well.

    Much like we have different tiers of plat rewards.

    "X" hues 5 mil.
    "X" hues 7.5 mil
    "X" hues 10 mil
    And Hell even an elite few at a whopping 20 mil!
    newme and Blaise like this.
  10. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I would vote yes if there was a Why the fuck not category...

    WTF Blaise WHY is the last option a yes too? I never got to the last one...
    newme likes this.
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    It's really a yes or no poll but I threw a bunch of tongue in cheek options out there to have some fun with it. I was more interested in the conversation than the easily borked poll results, considering most half-assed forum goers have multiple accounts because they can't stand to be one person and deal with the rep that follows. ;)
    Halabinder likes this.
  12. The Musician

    The Musician Well-Known Member
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    Mar 29, 2014
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  13. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
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    Jul 29, 2014
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    Idea is good, just needs to be VERY well thought out and executedl. We could probably start talking about other gold sinks as well. I see lots of liquid moolah.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
    newme and Blaise like this.
  14. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Ok listen I voted F (yes) because I don't give a rats ass what color anyone wants their mask to be. But I am just gonna throw this out there since you want a conversation: Won't creating huge gold sinks take the gold out of an economy that is rooted in player interactions and trade, creating an environment where no one will farm resources because their value would be less than what they would earn just killing monsters?
    newme likes this.
  15. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    The only reason resources have value right now, are BoD rewards. No one is retiring from crafting weapons and armor or clothes.
    No one's retiring from building furniture either.

    I could make a ton more just farming like a beast, than I do going for ingots but damn if I don't need ingots to make that stupid standing armor, phoenix armor, runics, braziers and everything else. :)

    Huge gold sinks are for players who have all their shit already and have nothing to do with 10s of mils.
    newme likes this.
  16. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    It kind of hoses people with unique masks right now, but I guess they won't be unique in a year anyways.

    Also, I think that link just counts gold coins. There's another 350M in checks in active player accounts.

    Anyways, it seems like it would work out well. Maybe start it off with dye tub hues (1-999); I think you're asking for trouble if you go with *any* hue.
    AnRobot- and newme like this.
  17. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
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    Jul 29, 2014
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    Yea, I think something like this you would start slow, and depending on its success build from there.
    newme likes this.
  18. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
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  19. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Yeah, I re-thought the 1-999 thing after I posted that. I thought it would make for less ridiculous neon-ish colors, but in reality there's plenty of bright colors in that range.

    It slightly nerfs tailoring BODs, unfortunately, since the very narrow set of 14 colors would become quite outclassed by the new mask dyes. Maybe change the turn-in for mask dye BOD sets to some other hues of cloth, or other hues of sandals.

    * * * * *

    To be a bit of a contrarian here, in terms of the overall *need* for something like this though... it's really not needed at all. Inflation means any non-NPC-sold item goes up in price. So yeah, that means a new player is going to be intimidated by seeing a red deer mask sell for 12M. It also means that if they open some random pouch in the Halloween event, they can find a candleabra worth 1M. Or if they get a lucky drop from Balam, a 1-2M sword. Or they can participate in a Christmas scroll and simply die a lot and get a 1-2M item.

    If you have people buy a bunch of mask dyes for 10M, you're removing gold from the shard, but you're also deflating their ability to buy candleabras for 1M and elvish tomes for 2M and whatever else.
  20. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    How about adding in a plat vendor that sells plat at 8k or something slightly over current rates?
    newme and Halabinder like this.

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