Would you...

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I stopped in my tracks as the veteran archer shot an arrow at me.
    "Ow!" I cried out. "That smarted."
    He only laughed and fired again.
    "Haha, You missed me that time." I jeered at him as I snuck around the corner of the house and hid in the shadows.

    I could hear his footsteps coming closer as I began to conjure up a little red friend of mine to wish him a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.
    As the archer came into view, I allowed them to become acquainted.
    They conversed for a little while as I went about cleaning up a few homes of a friend that had fallen into disrepair.

    Oni Neaufire_2-14_08.25.jpg

    As I made my rounds, another archer began to make his presence felt.
    Elma, my fine, young Knight guardian finally awoke and came to my assistance.
    The deadly archer had somehow infiltrated the courtyard of the castle I was attempting to clean up.
    Elma charged through the outer doors, and we ousted the interloper post haste.
    He had a rather beautiful cloak, and I let Elma keep it as a trophy for her valiant efforts.

    "Lady Oni, aren't these supposed to have candy for me when I pound them?" asked Elma.
    "Well, aaa, yes, they can have candy on them I do believe." I replied.
    Are there any other archers around," asked Elma.
    "I want to pound them to see if they will drop me some candy.
    I quickly scryed into the ether and located another archer out and about attempting to infuse the unsuspecting with his mad match-making shots.
    "One to the south of here, Elma.
    I will show you."

    The archer attempted to hide himself behind a tree, but was unsuccessful as he was a rookie and was not adept enough to keep himself from our view.
    Once again, Elma charged into the archer and began to hit him hard so that he would drop her some candy.

    "C'mon, you! Give me some candy," she shouted.

    Dear readers: You must understand the youthfulness and incredible liking of sweets of my young protector.
    True she does like Bling and Brightly colored clothing.
    She is a Woman of course.
    But this does not compare with her insatiable desire to have sweet snacks.
    Once again, the archer yielded to the repeated blows of the candy-crazed Knight.
    But, alas, he did not have any candy for Elma.

    Oni Neaufire_2-14_08.28.jpg

    "Are there others around?" she asked again with an almost pleading for me to conjure up one with candy.
    "No, Elma. There are no others about.
    Let us go back to our realm and see if any be there."

    I quickly opened a portal to the Eternal Realm.
    We headed south down towards the big pond area and the Fisherman's Keep.
    Once again, I located an archer.
    Elma set on him with such fury.
    Blow after blow fell upon the archer.
    She hit him with the flat of her blade, her shield, and I could swear she hit him with her mailed fist once.

    Oni Neaufire_2-14_08.31.jpg

    He fell under her incessant blows.

    "GIVE ME CANDY!, she yelled as he fell backwards to the ground with a tremendous crash.

    He struck the ground so hard that his loot rolled out of his pockets onto the ground.

    "CANDY! Lady Oni. CANDY!"
    "He gave me candy."

    I laughed.
    I laughed heartily.
    Who says energy and enthusiasm are wasted on the young.

    I ask you,:
    Would you...
    Would you be so vibrant and cheerful with all this energy?
    Would you be so joyous over something so simple as brightly colored candy?

    I am RICHLY BLESSED to have as not only my Protector/Knight but as one of my Dearest Friends, my Elma.


    I LOVE YOU!​
    Basoosh, Magnhild, Lord Krake and 3 others like this.
  2. Elma

    Elma Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Happy Valentines M'Lady Oni let's go hunt some more for candy :D:D
  3. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    <3 Adorable!!
  4. Vishakt

    Vishakt Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 23, 2014
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    dat urk vershun.
  5. Magnhild

    Magnhild Member

    Feb 24, 2015
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    I enjoy reading this every time you post another
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
    Oni Neaufire and Teut like this.
  6. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    My Deepest Thanks.

    I am overwhelmed by your kind words.
    Magnhild likes this.
  7. Magnhild

    Magnhild Member

    Feb 24, 2015
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    We vikings do our best *smiles*
    Oni Neaufire likes this.

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