To whomever gets it first: --------------------------------------- Sorrows awaited me as I approached the gates A tree perched high illuminated with gems I thought… What High Lord abodes in this place? Gently I approached through the thick grass my feet bare Avoiding the mole holes A wisp whispered something I should know however the glisten told more I looked thrice not knowing what to do so creep to the side in the ocean glow Twas twice trice Sun and Moons Surely a sign of... a- a gift b- a revelation c- a superstition d- a birth
Wise won! Grats! I was babbled at the time and hope to infuse UO lore into a riddle/story for next one
BTW the 7:49am post was done after a sleepless night and much substance abuse sooooooo it appears being a student of philosophy does have its merits