The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club was our (Crazy Joe's) guild on Atlantic. Based on the simpsons, get your own material scrubs!
There is a CJ here, but I think he's a fake. He hasn't passed my trial by chaingunned questions yet. And I've got my three thieves working, so I'll be stealing soon. I've really tried to lay pretty low since the pop is so small those big loots like you got on Avery could leave us with just thieves and murderers lol. So I take spells where I'll steal for a few days then do other things. I'm pretty sure I made a few folks quit during beta, and the first year blaise was having to buy back a lot of people's stuff to keep them playing. Joe wasn't that great of a thief, he just had the story telling aspect down.
That's honorable. Really nobody should be grieved so much that they leave from here. Although it's quite a populated shard and it's still more like a big family. If you know CJ personally, it should be easy to find out. The Avery heist was quite unique. I don't have the impression that many more serioues thieves are around due to this. Many join 5D, but hardly play their thieves (which is totally fine for me).
I don't know him personally, back then I was still in my own little oddball rogue world, but he was my gm for a few years, and I knew the guildmates and several of the pinkys (newbie thief guild) and he was the stratics forum mod, so verification would be easy But as always, the thief is my favorite, I'm quite fond of the class (and jealous of your p armor suit, I wanted Jack to be the first thief in UO history to have one, but it was likely never going to happen the way I play )
As one who has great respect for CJ, the LBSC, and our great profession at large, I will continue to engage in Legitimate Business in accordance with Article 1 of the Ramirez Enterprises Incorporation Charter which clearly states... and I quote... "I do what I want!"