
Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Jack of Shadows, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    Allowing someone to steal from a perma grey thief and then have the thief defend himself or steal back and get gw should be considered a bug.

    I also think that if you aren't going to fix the guards you put on every corner, the fail rates, and the weights, that you should remove the always go grey so at least I don't have to risk losing my supplies everytime I use the stealing skill (if I stayed blue on successes like you did on OSI and every other server out there, then I could get my supplies out of the bank)

    The more I play Jack the more I realize how busted the mechanics are here for thieves, and the more I wish you would fix this and give the class some attention so it can be fun like it was on other servers and on prodo.
  2. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    It's even more busted than I thought, I just rezed and this bamboozle cunt was able to steal from me and bank what he stole while I wasn't perma and I was guardwhacked when I poisoned him. This isn't even close to how the mechanics are supposed to work.
  3. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    I just failed 2 times in a row on 17 pearl ......

    for the love of all that is holy fix the stealing skill here
  4. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Ah, so it really was you, Jack. I thought it was some kind of impostor ingame. No, I am not Bumboozle, but he is one of our newest members. And he told me, you started snooping/stealing/messing around with him in Yew first, which is why I didn't understood that as breaking the thief law #1 (don't steal from other thieves). He is also new to the server and don't recognize the names around (see, even I thought you must be an impostor due to being GW'd).

    Anyway, you are right with most of what you mention:

    - Stealing from thieves is not breaking the law (you wont be perma grey). This means you get a GW when attacking a thief as thief. IMO this should never happen, except from mistakes. Thieves are not supposed to steal from thieves. This is the unwritten law and I try to hammer that into every 5D thief when joining. However, changing the mechanics would be a good idea. Why should anybody around be able to steal from thieves?

    - Also the fail rates and weights suck. You are right. I am not sure if you are able to fail on a 2 stone item here (but thinking about it, I once wasn't able to steal 6 plat, which clearly were not traded before). Are you sure it wasnt just some incredible stupid amount stolen? Because this happens much more often to me, e.g. when stealing from a stack of 17 regs I get one or two regs. It's the mechanics here. Stealing from stacks is simply not effective. I too hope this will be changed once, e.g. that you can choose the amount to be stolen from stacks. Or at least introduce some minimum amount, like the equivalent of three of four stones.

    - The weight of certain items is strongly preventing thieving. E.g. surfers weight 10 stones. Not sure about the other plat trophies. But I bet, it isn't any better with them. Actually, there is a huge list of items that can't be stolen either effectively or at all because they are blessed/zero-weighted AND I think most of these items shouldn't be safe in any bag.

    - Fail rates feel very high. But I still didn't do any statistics in order to compare it with OSI. Really need to get reliable numbers about that.

    - Agree, definitely too much guards around. Every bank and every corner is secured like Fort Knox... On the other side, there are also way to many noobish annoyer-thieves in the cities. Thieves should learn to get their asses out of town or at least to wait for the right opportunity to steal something.

    - Last but not least, something that is bugging me sometimes: Please de-noobify the noob dungeons in Ocllo for Non-Youngs. Right now, every player is safe from thieves there and I'd really love to punish the Non-Youngs farming there.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2015
  5. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    The guy I was stealing from was an alt of his (never seen him before) who wasn't a thief, and the way it's supposed to work, if a thief or person attacks (or steals) from a non perma thief, they are supposed to become permagrey and attackable/stealable. If a thief steals from a non perma thief, it's also supposed to trigger the guards on fails (and here should make the person auto grey) 10 stones should fail a steal about 1/5 times, I've failed on runes/keys here (and get gw frequently trying to steal one stone items, which would never happen on prodo, as busy as we were no one would have been able to steal in town)

    the weights thing kills pvp for the thief, cause you have to keep the pouch (which may be buried) open, keep offensive/defensive/stealing targets set and swap between while trying to stay one tile away to pull off the steal with 10 second delays (with someone trying to kill you that's a long delay sometimes)

    So yeah, it needs to be tweaked, there are plenty of people who played on prodo and can guide the mechanics to be era accurate. The only thing I ever had trouble with honestly was 10 stone items, those would pull fails, 9 sometimes, but 1-8 at gm was almost always doable (you would go grey a lot, but you most certainly wouldn't get the gw message almost every other time or 1/3 times) It was easy to steal 100 regs in 2 tries 3 max, sometimes you'd get the whole pile in one go. But there'd never be a fail on a stack
  6. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    The stack thing definitely irks me. I think upping the minimum might be a decent solution so the variables don't vary so much.

    Failing on light stuff makes no sense. If I have a decent chance of stealing a 10 stone item, then 5 stone or less should be much easier, perhaps guaranteed.

    Since there's a "bug" with 0 stone items, why not bump them to 1 stone weight? Then we could target steal them and truly keep people from being walking rune libraries. :)
    BlackEye and Jack of Shadows like this.
  7. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    I get a lot of "get good comments" when I rail against the mechanics here, but if I wanted to be better the way things are, I'd edit the mul files to make bigger pouches and bags where they couldn't be hidden and set up a system of use once agents and macros in razor. I don't want to edit the art files, I think that's cheating and those of you who do so for advantages in the game should feel shame! And I actually like to play the game some, not have 3rd party programs do it for me (those who were using steam and uoa and etc should feel super shame!) I was looking at what steam could do and it'd pretty much perform several functions at the press of a key (it was too powerful to be considered playing)
  8. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    This would help people because (as you guys may know I stole an entire rune library in a pack because it only weighed the pouch weight due to the 0 stone thing)

    but I'm of the mind that only a few things should be over 10 stones too, potted plants are super heavy here and on prodo they were 1 stone, and etc...

    and you combine the fail rates with disarm fail rates and it can get pretty nasty, you fail a disarm 3 times then fail the steal and repeat, it is pretty crapola
  9. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Yeah, I once got a BOD book collection due to the zero weight. But that only happens super rare when ppl have that stuff in pouches. Directional steal of zero weight items (or no zero weight at all) would be much better in my opinion.

    Never used such third party programs and never would use something that is against our shard rules. However, I have that mul stuff on my agenda and it is allowed. Getting smaller dragon pictures would be really helpful when navigating through them... I was just too lazy to overwrite the muls.

    In conclusion, yes, alot of the mechanics here are against succesful stealing (thus so much noobish Ocllo annoyers with death robes etc). The gameplay would be so much better, if thieves had to play against players and their defensive measures instead of fumbling with the mechanics and steal success rates.
    Tuco and Jack of Shadows like this.
  10. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Well this seems to be the reasonable work around since the runUO code is bugged for 0 stone items. Making them 1 stone would be easier than debugging the code. and helping people is what we're all about, right? ;)

    Can't agree more with all that's been said in this thread though. We're playing player vs RNG here.

    Stealing is a lot like gambling, except that the slot machine is often mobile and trying not to let you pull the lever.
    BlackEye and Jack of Shadows like this.
  11. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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  12. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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  13. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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  14. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    hahaha, I could do this all night long :D
    Tuco and BlackEye like this.
  15. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    0 stone weight is not a bug, unless you're referring to some item that wasn't specifically designed that way that I'm unaware of.

    That would be pretty cool to have a slider to select how much of something you're going to try to steal from a stack. You could then weigh your decision based on other factors like whether or not you will have a second attempt, etc. There just has to be some system of 'chance' based on that selection, with chances being greater, the lower the number, in order to keep it interesting.
  17. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Perhaps you misunderstand. An item weighing 0 stone is not a bug... the buggy part is that you cannot target a 0 stone item to steal it, you must steal random and hope for RNG to be nice.
    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  18. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    That's as designed, literally.

    I'm all in favor of making runebooks and bod books weigh 11 stone though. Good idea!

    Also, spears, war hammers and double axes while we're at it.
  19. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Bug or no bug, staff here stated that this is wished for. In UOR runebooks and bod books are protected this way on purpose. Because they are too valuable or whatever nonsense. I do tell every player my opinion: If so, dont put it in your bag and dont rely on mechanics to protect you from your lazyness of securing your stuff.
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    "Or whatever nonsense"

    lol, you mean like being able to take something from someone you're hiding next to in plain sight is super normal/legit.


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