New Player needs answers to some questions

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Kalvasflam, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Kalvasflam

    Kalvasflam Active Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Hi everyone,

    my name is Kalvasflam :))) and I am from Germany. I've been playing UO for about 10 years and after trying some of those new MMOs out there, I don't want to waste another minute with those shallow wannabe MMOs. I am eager to get back in my favorite game of all times! Honestly, if anyone would have told me in 1998, that 15 years into the future, no other company would have created a game that even comes close to UO I would have laughed...:D But here I am, after nearly seven years before I last logged on to UO...

    I started out on Drachenfels, then moved to Europa before finally founding a home on Defiance Freeshard. After that shard was closed I moved back to Europa. I have to say, although I loved the old UO in its original state, I managed to enjoy UO on the official servers up to 2008. For example I loved to do the champ spawns and the occasional harrower.

    I am now looking for a new shard to play happily ever after till the rest of my life :)

    Perhaps anyone could answer me a few questions?

    - Where is the server located (as I am coming from Germany it would be difficult joining an US server)
    - What are the main differences between T2A and Renaissance (I have not played for serveral years so unfortunately it seems I have forgotten everything)
    - Are there champ spawns on this shard?
    - How is the population?
    - Are there a lot of custom mechanics?
    - Are Dexxers viable?

    Perhaps anyone could throw some light of the most common freeshards? Back in the Day, UO Gamers was the biggest? But that no longer seems the case? On Reddit I hear a lot about UO Forever (which is an US shard I think). But it says theres a lot PvP Ganking and most of the vendors are empty. I do not mind PvP ganking (in fact it is something I miss, the danger of loosing everything), but I would love to play on a shard with active crafters, shops, lots of players at Brit Bank etc.

    I posted a similar post in the Second Age Forum, because I am not certain, which shard would be the best.

    Thank you very much!!
    newme likes this.
  2. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    - Where is the server located (as I am coming from Germany it would be difficult joining an US server)
    I believe it's East US, I live in UK and I know quite a few European players. There are always active players around.

    - What are the main differences between T2A and Renaissance (I have not played for serveral years so unfortunately it seems I have forgotten everything)
    No insta-hit and no healing through poison (as far as I'm aware, but i may be wrong)

    - Are there champ spawns on this shard?

    - How is the population?
    On average 400. They are scattered (not constantly dungeon-farming) because there are tons of stuff to do.

    - Are there a lot of custom mechanics?
    None, this is true Renaissance reflected era.

    - Are Dexxers viable?
    Very, with special strikes and high weapon speeds, Dexxers are very viable. One of the best farmers are peace-dexxers.

    A question from me, I played on Europa too, any chance you were in the RP community?
    newme likes this.
  3. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Hello Kalvasflam, welcome to UO:R!

    I invite you to use the resources of Project Sanctuary (PS). PS is a guild devoted to helping new players get on their feet with some basic gear and answering beginner questions. You can check it out at Project Sanctuary or join our IRC channel #PS.

    You do not need to be a guild member to receive help. However, you are welcome to join and take part in the great events and role play quests! Look forward to seeing you around!
    MikeK likes this.
  4. Kermit

    Kermit Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Hello Kalvasflam,

    Ur name (as player) is familiar to me and i'm sure we met back in the days on Drachenfels!!!
    I play from Belgium and pind isnt that bad, i m around 120 ms ping right now.
    The server is located in Texas i think!

    This server is great with alot of thing to do ( Tmaps, Champ, Quest, Events, ...).
    On of my favourite one is the haloween event with custom area and undead attack!
    As for action, u meet from time to time PK and faction add some pvp if i m right!

    I hope to see you soon on the field!

    Ker le Blanc
    newme likes this.
  5. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Please drop by irc, you will get personal answers and trust me, you will never find a shard full of nicer people.
    newme, ReZon and Keza like this.
  6. Belgar

    Belgar New Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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  7. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hello and welcome.

    Crafters: Blacksmith and tailors have BODs, if you don't remember those, they are Bulk Order Deeds. You get cool items and gold when you turn them in. In the near future carpentry and fetching will also have BODS. For miners there are gargoyle pick axes and shovels. If you remember the pick axes you know they bring up elementals. well, here the shovels bring golems. Bit harder to kill. elementals give lots of ore, they spawn in caves as well by gorgoyle pick axes. Golems (forgive please if spelling it wrong) have a chance of dropping sandstone, marble and iron ore, these when smelted turn into ingots which you use with stonecrafting. And these special ores only come from golems. For carpenters, we have regular wood and oak wood. You can make special furniture items from oak. That should cover the basics of crafting.
    Events. We have both player run events and server events. Player run events include just about anything players wish to hold, from "Resisting Magic Spells" . A lot of players from a group in a location, and other players cast spells on them. These can last several days, and we call them resist parties. Location and time, etc. depend on the guild hosting the event. To Summorer's Wars. Players are furnished with summoning scrolls and have their creature battle it out. The Fishing Tourniments. Who catches the biggest fish wins, and other prizes for random things.. Server events include holiday events which last usually a week or more. To Special dueling arenas, Capture the Flag. and every once in awhile a monster invasion on a town or place.
    Really too many of both player and server events to go into much detail.

    PKers, yep have those. Also have players who do not enjoy pvp and only do player verses monster.
    We have lots of guilds, some are structured to help newer players. Have several role playing guilds, Pker guilds,
    etc.Just regular guilds. Have factions and guilds which like to fight each other.
    I cannot say enough about our player community here. It's great. Example: A guild wishes to hold an event. Many players donate gold, rares, cool weapon, armor, etc. So the event has nice prices to give out. If you're in trouble and need help, give a shout out in irc., depending who is available, depends on how much help is offered. Or if you have questions. Same. We also have several player made towns.
    Staff. All volunteers who donate their time and efforts. Staff does not play, due to the fact they wish to avoid any type of conflict of interest. We also have player/volunteers who do many different duties.

    Hope this has perked your interest to play here. I can safely say, the majority of players here love the server, many of us have played here for several years.
    Good luck to you, and sincerely hope to see you in game.
    I'm Westra on irc .

    Marjo, one of my main characters, is known as The Governess of Wispfelt. so if you see her about, say hi.

  8. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    I am living in Germany, too. And I think there are several more germans here. I experience a ping between 100ms and 250ms (when moving). You will probably have a disadvantage against 30ms pingers. But I dont know, how hard that disadvantage accounts for. As a thief, I am able to compete with most mounted players here on foot. So, it can't be that bad.

    Player base is incredible here. Many player-based events, good atmospehre, very communicative community with only few real suckers. Last few days there has been a slight hole due to Summer and Vacations. And during European playtimes there aren't too much people around, except at weekends. This however has the advantage that you can take out Dexxers for PvM without too much risk from PKs. Dexxers especially Dexxer/bard combis are great for farming, but only really effective with very expensive slayers. So, dexxers can farm quite good, but you risk valuable items like no other template. And you can't kill ~half of the most difficult high-end-boss-monsters.

    Differences: Many detailed changes and in the sense of the era and feeling careful customizations. As a thief, I must say, that I recognize a favourism of Trammel ways (many many ways to farm/play 100% Trammel-safe and alot of the really valuable items are safe from thieves (blessed, too heavy etc).

    Champs: Yes, people do them for platin coins with which you can buy very neat decos and helpful stuff like blessed runebooks and ethereal mounts. You CANNOT buy them with real money. Thus platin coins are very valuable and Champs/Harrowers are frequently done.
    newme likes this.
  9. CapnCrunch

    CapnCrunch New Member

    Jun 28, 2015
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    and if u dont want ure plat ill take it;)
  10. Kalvasflam

    Kalvasflam Active Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Thanks for all the answers! Very much appreciated!

    No, unfortunately not. But I met a lot of those guys and always held them in highest regard! I always remember a big hunting group about to enter Despise, all in their "uniforms", litten torches in their hands, looked great!

    @BlackEye: I don't remember "slayers"? o_O In modern UO there are the artifacts, in the original UO there were Vanqs etc... Oh, wait, you mean those "Orc Slayers" etc.?

    I have some additional questions. Perhaps anyone would answer these too?

    - Where do all the folks meet? I created a char on Saturday and went to Brit Bank which was quite empty (although Saturday evening would mean about early afternoon US time)
    - I saw no vendors gating to their shops at Brit Bank? Aren't there many shops? Or are the gaters just located elsewhere?
    - Is thievery viable on this shard?
    - Is there only the original landscape and T2A (Delucia etc.) or is - for example - Malas integrated too? (I do hope it's only Britain and T2A)
    - Is the IRC considered as a kind of global chat? Can remember, there wasnt a global chat when I played last time, except for guild chat via UO Map, i think.

    And one last question:

    How do you play UO on modern PCs? I have a 24'' Monitor, running a resolution of 1920 x 1080, I think. I tried several different resolutions ingame (Full Screen/Windows mode), but always had only a small part of the screen, where I could acutally see the "game".

    Thank you!
  11. CapnCrunch

    CapnCrunch New Member

    Jun 28, 2015
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    everyone goes to ocllo
  12. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    I was on one of those town militias too with uniforms, perhaps we did meet but don't know. To your questions:

    - Where do all the folks meet? I created a char on Saturday and went to Brit Bank which was quite empty (although Saturday evening would mean about early afternoon US time)

    Majority of the players are in occlo due to the young system being there.

    - I saw no vendors gating to their shops at Brit Bank? Aren't there many shops? Or are the gaters just located elsewhere?
    Most of the shops are around Yew I believe and people just leave runes rather than gate.

    - Is thievery viable on this shard?
    Yes, very.

    - Is there only the original landscape and T2A (Delucia etc.) or is - for example - Malas integrated too? (I do hope it's only Britain and T2A)
    Britannia and Lost Lands (Delucia etc.), nothing else will ever be in UOR

    - Is the IRC considered as a kind of global chat? Can remember, there wasnt a global chat when I played last time, except for guild chat via UO Map, i think.
    Yes, most of the players are in IRC.

    And one last question:

    How do you play UO on modern PCs? I have a 24'' Monitor, running a resolution of 1920 x 1080, I think. I tried several different resolutions ingame (Full Screen/Windows mode), but always had only a small part of the screen, where I could acutally see the "game".

    Razor can do that for you, it has settings for resolution. I play 960*720 and it covers the screen pretty good.
  13. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    You won't find anyone at brit bank because I release 2 dragons or 2 drakes PER person afk, so beware
  14. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Most of the players hang out at Ocllo.
    Lots of player vendors. Tons are located around Yew Moongate and Empath Abby. Several around Moonglow, Vesper. and I think Trinsic.
    It's only Brit and t2a maps. We do have Trammel, but it is not for houseing, etc. Some of the special events are held on that map and I believe the event center is in Trammel. We live and play in Fel. so, it's dangerous.

    hope this helps
  15. Andersonius

    Andersonius Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2013
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    Hey and welcome to UOR!

    You will love it here man!

    The server is located in Texas (or at least it used to be!)
  16. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Welcome, I think everyone has answered your questions fairly well, only advice I can throw in is to make a money maker first. Easiest route would be a bard with provocation, music, magery, meditation, magic resist, wrestling, and either eval intelligence, discordance, or hiding. It's the quickest bang for your buck as far as getting quick money flow started, or you could mine or chop wood for gold. Next is a tamer for bringing in a good amount of gold, a fisherman is also a great way to get rolling or treasure hunter.

    PvP is usually a mages game but dexxers are viable when you have the right gear (thus you should have a good money maker before you start a PvP dexxer) I've been fairly successful with my dexxer so far but dying hurts more when you're a dexxer as compared to a mage in regards to gear lost.

    Jump in, you'll find alot of great people here willing to help you but I won't lie, you'll meet some asshats as well, but that's any online game you play.

    Population is usually posted as 400-500, I just divide that by three since most folks are afk on three accounts because of the platinum gained for characters being logged in. Overall you can usually find someone at a bank dungeons or at special events, get on IRC as that's the most useful tool as far as getting in touch with other players.

    Good Luck!! Hope to see you in-game
    Kalvasflam likes this.
  17. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I am seeing quite a few instances of new players that are running around various towns other than occlo... when I ask them if they declined the "young" status when they first logged in they say, "What is that?".

    How can you miss it?

    Is the gump not appearing for some people?
  18. AlexCCCP

    AlexCCCP Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Is best bro
  19. Kalvasflam

    Kalvasflam Active Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    @Brymstone: Thanks a lot!! Excellent tips! Have to admit, that I have forgotten nearly everything!

    @wylwrk: The gump was appearing, but I do not like the young player status! No benefits for me, as I like to work my way up! Dunno, what benefits the young player status has in detail, but I am so glad to be back in UO, I hardly can't wait for being PKed the first time!

    After playing so many MMOs where death has absolutely no consequences it is sooo good to see that death will be meaningful again :) You can't win, if there is nothing to loose!

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