Need Help with Razor

Discussion in 'Guides' started by twinturbonet, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. twinturbonet

    twinturbonet New Member

    May 25, 2015
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    Hey all!

    I've been stuck with Razor before, but not like this. I'm wondering if there was a way to set up a macro where my character picks up an item off the floor (5 boards), places it in his backpack, and starts to build an item, then places it in a chest.

    I have everything down good, but my macro fails when picking up the boards off the floor and placing them in my backpack. Unless there is a way to use boards directly off the floor instead of having them in your pack?

    lol very frustrating.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    the boards need to be in a container. Then set up a restock agent for 5 boards.
    twinturbonet and Bixby Legbone like this.
  3. Bixby Legbone

    Bixby Legbone Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2015
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    As El Horno said above, put your boards in a locked down container. Make a restock agent in razor to grab the number of boards you want.. then inside your actual macro you can right click, choose begin recording here, then tab over to your agent tab in razor, select your restock agent you made, and hit execute selected. then in game it should prompt you to target the container with the boards in it. Then before doing anything else, go back to your razor macro and stop the recording..It should end up looking something like

    exec: restock agent 1
    wait for target
    absolute target (your container)

    You might need to insert a pause right after that of a few seconds to give time for the game to grab the boards and put them into your backpack before continuing with your craft. Sometimes you might get a system message in game 'you must wait a moment to do this' or something like that.. if that's the case, razor is working faster than your connection to the game can handle, and you'd want to go to your razor More Options tab and increase the Object Delay to something like 1400ms.
    twinturbonet likes this.
  4. Artex

    Artex Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 12, 2014
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    You can also add pauses between actions to customize length of pause for different crafting timers. After you've crafted the item have several storage containers of whatever type sitting a tile adjacent, craft several items of the same type (usually), at the end of your macro start recording, lift one of each from your pack and deposit one of each into containers that you'll use. Don't lift them back out of the containers till after you hit pause or do any other actions. I have no idea how good you are with Razor macros so maybe you've already figured this out. When the container hits 125 items it will start to fill the next one. If your crafting for skill and want to fill a container so your mule character can take them to town to sell, fill other bags with x amount of items and place them into the containers your macro will use. Example say your mule chara has a runebook regs pots etc adding up to 20 items in pack, add 21 items to a bag and place them into your macro chara utilized container, when time to take goods to town pull 21 item bags out and toss macro container into your bag, use a sell agent and make a runebook to all vendors that will buy your crafted item, recall around till items are sold, then bring macro chest back to your crafter, place 21 item bag back into the container. Then lift the bag out of extra items so you can put the macro utilized container into your pack to sell it's contents to vendors. I set my object delay to 1000 when crafting and use pauses where needed to have the macro run smoothly. I have in the past used restock agents to pull items out of my crafter's macro chests while my other account is actively macroing for my mule character to sell off to vendors. This is just one way, you can do a lot with razor once you get the hang of it.
    twinturbonet likes this.
  5. twinturbonet

    twinturbonet New Member

    May 25, 2015
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    Thanks for the replies! I'll try this when I get home.
  6. twinturbonet

    twinturbonet New Member

    May 25, 2015
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    I tried this and when I tab over to Agents do what you said and tab back to Macros, all it recorded was the "Absolute Target" of me selecting the targeted container where my boards are.

    any idea? I already set up the amount and executed the command and it works, it's just my macro isn't recording the "exec: restock agent 1" or "wait for target"
  7. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Try going to Hot Keys Tab, set a hotkey for the restock agent your using like(alt+ctrl+R) then record macro and use the hotkey (alt+ctrl+R) while recording and it should trigger the restock you set up.
  8. twinturbonet

    twinturbonet New Member

    May 25, 2015
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    This worked, thank you.

    Now all I have to do is find a chest that holds a lot of boards, I'm currently using a Large crate and it only holds 385 boards. Anyone know if there are any other chests out there that can hold more?
  9. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 23, 2015
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    You can use any container, that's your choice, but it needs to be locked down and not a secure container if you want to add a lot of weight for things like resources. A secure holds 400 stones/125 items but is only accessible by the setting(owner, friends,etc), locked down will hold 125 item/unlimited weight i think, and are accessible by anyone that can reach it - IE anyone friend or thief that may have made it through your door unnoticed if you didn't lock and detect hidden after entry.
  10. twinturbonet

    twinturbonet New Member

    May 25, 2015
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    Ah okay, yea I'm currently using a secured crate. I guess it is what it is. Thanks for your help man.
  11. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Your house has a limited number of "secure containers" ( I wish to secure this) also limited lock downs, but a lot more of those ( I wish to lock this down)
    Use your secures for valuable items that don't stack or weigh a lot, use your locked down containers for high weight items like resources and stuff that isn't as valuable. This link can help with all your housing questions, security set-up, house commands etc.

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