Making a Tamer, finally...

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Fullmetal, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal Well-Known Member
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    May 1, 2013
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    After some convincing from friends and a few others i've decided to complete my Tamer, the first question i have would be, is this the most effective method to GM Taming?

    If not... what is? :)

    Setup i have atm is

    Build #1

    Animal Lore
    Animal Taming
    Peace or Provo

    Other idea was...

    Build #2

    Animal Lore
    Animal Taming

    Build #2 would be for both farming / taming mostly for tracking mares and stuff (or tracking for pks). Hiding would be used defensively or course.

    Any adivce would be appreciated.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
  2. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    Build 1 with either provo or discord depending on the utility your looking for.
  3. Scynin

    Scynin Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2014
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    Run with music/disco if you intend to farm gold as fast as possible, solo.

    Run with resist/eval if you intend to eventually fight off pks (which is fun)
  4. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    Music/Provo I find the most versatile. Great for t-maps, great for champion spawns, and solid for just about everything else.
    Music/Disco is at its best farming static spawn monsters for gold. The "blood elemantal" camper build. Useful in many other situations, too.
    Music/Peace kind of fits somewhere in-between, allowing you to tackle larger hordes of enemies, but still useful against solo monsters. Most of the time, I prefer provo to this.
    Resist/Eval is great for survivability. As Scynin said, great if you are expecting to deal with PKs.
    Tracking is extremely niche. The only time I want it is during the holiday events that have random overworld spawn (easter, st. paddy's, thanksgiving, xmas). If you are looking for mares and don't think walking around is sufficient, I would just use a second account to track.

    Whatever you pick, don't feel like you are locked in to one build forever. My tamer changes her build probably once every couple of months, depending what's going on. (I dropped music for tracking at easter, I drop meditation for fencing when I'm ironmanning AMIBs, etc.)

    Absolute fastest way I've seen to train is to have other tamers "build" you the perfect retamed animals for your skill level, and bring them to you. For example, if you are at 92.7 taming skill, a twice retamed lava lizard is an ideal animal to tame. The chance of success is very low and the skill gain opportunity is very high. You will gain skill at pretty crazy rates this way, I seem to recall I shot from 97 to 99.5 taming in an hour doing this.

    And make sure to train your dragons. A 7x dragon is incredibly stronger than one "out-of-the-box".
  5. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal Well-Known Member
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    May 1, 2013
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    I'm probably going to go with Provo, what's the best way to train your dragons?
  6. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    The melee skills will go pretty fast just through normal use. If you want to train it, you can have them fight a shadow ore elemental while you bandage them.

    Magery is best trained by farming up a shadow ore elemental and trapping it in a house. Bring your dragons in and have them attack the elemental (shadow ore elementals are immune to all damage from tames). Make sure to give your dragons a break every minute or so, so they can get their mana back... Magery only goes up if your dragons cast higher circle spells, and if they are depleted on mana, they will resort to chaining circle 1-3 spells as soon as they have the mana available for no skill gain.

    Resist is done just like resist parties, just with dragons. Just make sure the casters are on a different level of the keep, however, so the dragons can't fight back. You probably won't have to train this, as dragons come with naturally high resist. It really only becomes a problem when your bonded dragons die a ton (and skill loss is enabled).
  7. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    If you plan on fighting back against whomever just get eval, if not provo would be awesome for farming on a tamer
  8. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Music/Disco for static farming
    Music/Provo for tmaps, champ spawns and some holiday events
    Wrestling/Inscription for PK defense
    EvalInt/Inscription for PK offense

    Regarding the last two... GM Magery and Inscription gives you 15 spell circles to reflect. Why use Resist if the spells aren't ever going to hit you anyways? With Wrestling/Inscription, you give yourself the best possible chance to Recall/Gate out of there. With EvalInt/Inscription, you give yourself an extra 10 damage or so to any Explosion or Ebolts you fire off at them.

    Individual PKs tend to only expect one level 6 or 7 spell to be reflected (if any), so they'll often Explode and even if they see the reflect animation, continue to Ebolt or Mind Blast, assuming you're out of reflect circles and they'll get through. With Inscription, they've just Explosion/Ebolt combo'ed themself and during that time you've already given your "all kill" command and are laying your own spells on them.

    If you're concerned about PKs, I'd advise Wrestling/Inscription (you can still kill solo PKs nearly every time with this, the extra damage from Eval isn't necessary most of the time if your pets are trained). But after using this template myself, I decided I was better off for static farming with Music/Disco. The occasional deaths paled in comparison to the additional gold I gained by farming faster.
    Lord Sky and Basoosh like this.
  9. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    If you're concerned about PKs, just always keep magic reflect up and have a macro to use a gate scroll on a rune/runebook to speed up your escape (and pets).

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