Not being able to poison- Spell interrupt delay - No alchemy mage -
I agree 100% with zen, the mechanics are a bit funny when it comes to the mage combat.
This is a server wide issue. I de sync quite a bit.
My only thoughts upon reading this thread and the posts: Go back to trammel. Keep up the good work Pork, Its players like you that keep the shard...
Fancy mounts, where they @.
Selling for 1.8 m straight up, Snag this great trammel item, look cool on your stun mage, support my reg habbit.
Wasted plots for sheepfarms. Nice post tho If I had gold I would buy it.
Spend that gold
Cool item for your stun mage seeing as you should be able to hold it and cast /stun with it. @ blaise considering there's 25 that is pretty rare and...
I really have no clue, I just came back to uor. Bids ?
B.o 1.8 m [IMG] [IMG] Edit: better pics
Added a bunch of new magic weps, + colored dex suits
[img] Just added new Magic weps and a few runics. Spinned leather suits I might be adding valorite suit's and other colored ores Just let me know...
Bad idea, no ones getting pumped up to make more house add on's. If you should make anything destroyable it should be boats at sea and limit mib...
Was the 5x5 turned off ?
Reference, enjoy :). [img]
I never farmed ratmen for their looks only the statues .
Seeing no one on is a turn off, the number online doesn't mean shit when those peeps are in a house afk macroing. We need more peeps farming, pkin,...
I am really tired of getting the same bods 6 hours apart from each other. I gained blacksmithing +4.0 points and went from getting 4 colored ore bods...
That works either way there should be some sort of faster gains via dung or power hour. This shard is not trying to be era accurate either, so peeps...
Separate names with a comma.