how is the likely hood of it happening slim? cause you say so lol? ok buddy :roll:
Think they should add cannons to boats and boats take damage, think of the fun events that could be done with that and actually make the water an...
Love how this guy thinks he has a say in anything lol.
They don't all have to be added, like he said some of it is already here some of it is not. While i'm for pks getting some kinda change to stat loss...
I like the ideas they have on the other thread so I guess there is a way for everyone to get what they want. Nice find though by the way on the era...
I like all the ideas on this thread :)
Since some people can't seem to get along on forums i think there should be a 3 day ban off the forums on people who can't follow the rules. I rarely...
I'll leave the drama for you guy to discuss since I am an adult and choose not to act like a child. And no where in this thread have I seen anyone...
So two wrongs make a right? Gotcha
Would like to know why caly is sending me a private message trying to persuade me against Dv and change my mind on this subject? Is this regular...
Seeing you guys attack the maker of this thread as a way of getting the thread trashed just because you don't like the idea and get mad if you don't...
I wasn't on for land rush but this would have been one of my chosen spots if I was. Good job :)
I like the chaos idea, that seems pretty neat.
I hardly ever involve myself on forum discussions but in this instance i did wanna say that this a great idea. Caly, it seems from what I have read...
Blaise for Trollingl ( cause that's what he does) Mutombo for sheep fetish (no need to explain) Double Vision for Drama ( he attracts alot) Jack of...
can't wait :D
be nice to have some new furniture to craft.
I think to many people focus this server around crafters, what would effect them, how can they make more money what can we do to make them more...
Idiots will never agree with good ideas so don't even bother. Regs being at 999 would have no effect whatsoever on the economy because you will still...
I would like to see Faction traps changed. At the moment they can place faction traps anywhere at anytime & it's only suppose to be if you have...
Separate names with a comma.