10th anni Green torch (blessed) hue 2159 - 3 mil
6th anni blessed green rune book 4 mill s/b 6th year blue spell book newbied 3 mill s/b
11th green tunic 450k
-10th anni green Tunic - SB 200k - 11th anni green Tunic - 400k
E - 1.5 mil
^ B & C ending in about 1 hour if no more bids
Gold or Plat @ 4k 48/24 A - Sting, SB - 250k, BO - 750k [SOLD] B - Scaly Bow, SB - 150k, BO - 400k [SOLD] C - Hue 1151 Snowflake Slayer, SB -...
Sorry Heath, minimum BI is 500k so next bid has to be 1.5M or higher. Arcanias still has high bid of 1M.
Gold only 48/24 SB - 1 mil BO - 4 mil Min BI - 500k [ATTACH]
No worries, 96 hours is just a long time like you said. Appreciate your response but go ahead and keep bidding if you want it.
95.5 hours.... D2 - 80
C4 - 550
C4 - 500 E4 - 120 J4 - 350
B4 - 50 C4 - 300 E4 - 80 J4 - 150 L4 - 300
A2 - 250 D2 - 70
W1 - 65 Z1 - 150
L4 150
A2 - 200 D2 - 50 V2 - 200 X2 - 200
Separate names with a comma.