Hail Nerds, Up for auction here is one 3rd Anniversary Hue 1164 Deer Mask. This mask is blessed forted to the max, like totally tubular bro, for sure. Minimum Bid: 5,000,000 gold pieces Minimum Bid Increment: 10,000 gold pieces Buy Out: None Auction closes to highest bid standing for 24 hours. Platinum value: 9,000 gold per piece cHoin value: 7,000 gold per piece Blessed Runebook value: 2,000,000 gold pieces Ethereal Horse/Llama value: 4,000,000 gold pieces I will be willing to accept potential trades in the form of the following items, values to be discussed, and agreed upon, before bids will be accepted including them: 20 Piece Exceptional Valorite Platemail Gorget and Arms, small bods. 20 Piece Exceptional Agapite Platemail Tunic, small bod GM Quality Valorite Weapons Verapite (looks like agapite but has stats like verite runic) Heavy Crossbows (these were Valentine's Event drops, from what I understand) Desirable slayer weapons of Power or greater. Cheers and hail UOR.
Not today captain!!!! 5.1 P.S. Sorry(was in trade talks with blaise to see what he valued items at or would have bid earlier)
I'd actually rather you stretch it out to 23.9 hours so I have more time to scrounge up the liquid so I dont have to trade in ethies or runebooks under value : )
Not really. I kinda like that outfit (sans dear mask). If they sell, you'll see it on forum auction, most likely. There are occasions when I do trades with friends without letting the public push prices on them, but it's definitely rare.
Oh Captain, my captain! Looks like you won this biddy. Hit me up whenever. I'll be off and on over the weekend.