A Good Name.. thanks TNT

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    The dry season was upon us, if this realm has one.
    The landscape in the Eternal Realm was definitely 'browner' than I had ever remembered,
    and the wildlife and creatures of the land were having to range farther to find sustenance and provender.

    Also, orc and ratmen bands where becoming more prevalent and making increased incursion into our lands.
    Much of the Knights' time was being spent battling these raiders.
    Oni Neaufire_4-26_08.41.jpg

    Each day seemed to be spent just watching for fires and seeking out the camps of the marauding bands.
    The river that makes the eastern boundary of our lands gave added incentive for the raiders to 'visit' us.
    But it too was beginning to shrink considerably.
    Many places of it could be easily 'jumped' across with little effort.

    Oni Neaufire_9-24_20.45.jpg

    On one such day of securing the outer realm areas, a wisp messenger brought me startling news.
    A fire had broke out to the north of where I was.

    My mind began to ponder, "North."
    "Oh! No!"

    I quickly dispatched the harpy that had been troubling the gathering of foodstuffs and raced back toward the Eternal Realm.
    Thick, black smoke was already filling the sky as I raced north.
    Only a structure fire would make smoke like that.

    "Faster," I urged Noonetrust on.

    The ostard pushed on more diligently.

    Again my mind worked, "which building?"

    At that moment, Nononetrust sheared hard to the right to miss a patch of dried brambles.
    I nearly became unseated in the midst of the hard turn.
    In desperation to stay aboard, I pulled tightly to the reins.
    The ostard let out a strange squalking noise and pulled hard to the left as the reins pulled tightly into the bit in his mouth.

    Once again I became unsettled in the small saddle - but I held on.
    Never a dull moment in this realm.

    On we raced.
    The black smoke continued to billow to the north.

    I reached the southern tip of our 'town'.
    Hideous heat and raging flames met my eyes.
    My home was engulfed in the infernal.

    Several of my fellow 'Knights' were vainly trying to put out the flames.
    Valiantly the were battling.

    I saw Hans and Elma first.
    Their faces were soot covered and sweat streaked.

    I hurriedly dismounted some distance from the fire.
    The ostard was quite skittish around the flames and heat.
    I tied him well back to a tree.

    Fortunately the fire had been contained to the area of my home.

    "Stay back, Oni," Hans yelled as I rushed closer to my burning house.

    He reached out and grabbed my arm to prevent me from endangering myself.

    "It is to late," he yelled.

    We stood their in silence as the flames consumed my home.
    Several still brought water from the much diminished river and threw it around the area to keep the fire from spreading.

    The structure soon collapsed within itself.
    The fire was contained.
    Many sat down were they were, exhausted.
    Hans still held my arm.

    "How...," I began to stammer my thoughts.
    "We were battling some orc raiders, Oni." Hans began to retell the event.
    "One of the orcs was a mage.
    He threw a fire ball at Elma."
    "Aye, Oni.
    It bounced off my shield and struck your house."

    She looked down at the ground and kicked at the dirt.

    "It is alright, Elma.
    Don't blame yourself," I tried to comfort her.

    I looked around the area.
    Now I saw the bodies of the dead marauders.

    "It can be rebuilt," I concluded, wincingly.
    "Yes it can," Hans concluded.
    "And we will," chimed in Elma.

    News of the disaster soon traveled throughout the whole realm.
    Gifts and materials filtered into the Eternal Realm.
    Soon enough materials were gathered.
    A group came from the realm of TnT and helped me rebuild.
    I thank all of you much for your kindness.
    Oni Neaufire_10-27_21.43.jpg
    Even though I lost much, I have also gained much.
    I realize even more that this stuff that can burn is just that - stuff.
    The true treasure we have here is our friends.
    This is that which lasts.

    You have a good name..
    Thank you very much, TnT.

    'A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.'
    (The Ancient Tome of Truth)​

    We live in an incredibly fine realm, do we not?

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