A Grand Apology for a Grave Mistake **in my own hand**

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Dorian Andrael, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. Dorian Andrael

    Dorian Andrael Active Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the Dastardly and the Glorious alike, allow me to extend to you each and every one, and to you all together as well my most sincere, heartfelt, and warm apologies! I realize I have been remiss in that I failed to make an introduction of myself and thus deprived you of the knowledge of, well.... me!

    I am Dorian Andrael, the Purveyor of Paws..... Or, rather, what's left of Paws. The village ain't what it once was, to be sure, but I still call it my port o'harbor from time to time. Truth be told, there are few places in the realm where I feel more at home, empty as the place may be these days.... Still, it's good to have company, and so I frequent the towns and cities here and there. You may find me in Skara Brae or Yew most days, though I try to make it to as many cities as possible throughout the week. For a merchant, and a Grandmaster at that, if I may be so bold, having my face seen is as much a business policy as it is an excuse to gossip and socialize.

    In any case, I was a merchant of much more.....questionable.... character and repute in my youth, dealing often out of the hidden coves and islands near Sperpent's Hold and Nujel'm, often as not one step ahead of His Majesties Customs and Commerce agents. I somehow kept forgetting to report whole shipments of cargo to the tax collectors, difficult as that may be to believe. I've left those days of shady dealings, shadowy inlets, and dark nights in the past though.....for the most part.... Though I have been known to do favors for the rich, the powerful, and the wealthy from time to time. I find it's often good to have friends in high places with the resources to help out when a debt is called in.

    After I got caught trying to smuggle part of the village shrine past the Wizard's tower, I was pressed into service as a penance. It worked, I suppose, as I stopped thieving and smuggling altogether while working for VoP. Of course, the presence of Lord Captain Kraw and his Keepers could have had something...... or maybe a lot..... to do with that. They were always a lot sharper than the guards in the towns, and a lot more diligent, if not quite as quick to eager to deal out capital punishment.

    I've been with the Village ever since. A little more than a year ago, I went on a long mission to the lost lands for the Wizard in search of a special green bottle.... I never did find the bottle, but when I came back, the Wizard was gone along with most of the village and the villagers.

    I've been wandering the realm and the village since, plying my chosen trade as a merchant and a..... purveyor, a finder, and a fixer. I hope to see you all....... out there....

    **Bows with a flourish**

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