A Knight's Tale: Preparations

Discussion in 'Knights of Sosaria [KoS]' started by Lightshade, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Weary, injured, and bedraggled...he rode alone upon the Knight's road. Fatigue deep down in the core of his soul was a constant companion. For the better part of a season, he had toiled and labored to help rebuild homes in a distant land. An evil wind, conjured by dark powers, had laid waste to this far off land. The destruction stretched for miles. It had taken 1,000's of citizens to cleanup...house...feed...rebuild... Perseverance won out, though, and things were starting to get back to normal.

    While away, messages had been dispatched to him via pigeon. Every message bleaker than the last.

    So with the work done and the growing menace in his homeland, he knew that it was time to set aside his shovel and hammer and set out. Brigands had been encroaching upon the King's lands. Various allies were being attacked. The roads were becoming more dangerous by the day. Citizens were not even safe in their homes. He knew he must return and that he now had a new purpose. Unfortunately, he needed time to rest and recuperate.

    During the long journey he planned, though. He sent missives to the Knights requesting more patrols. More recruits would need to be trained, and plans were set in motion for that. Remembering things learned in years far gone, he requested mystical supplies for his use upon his return. Even from afar, he was working to get the gears turning to protect the land from this new threat.

    And now, as he sits upon the roof of the Guild Hall and looks around in the night...alone...his mind races at all that needs to be done. He knows he has been gone far too long. Also, he knows that he is far from truly returning as he must recuperate from his journey.

    Setting things in motion, though, can be done....thankfully. With such trustworthy peers in the Knights of Sosaria, he knew that things would be just fine. Patrols would be conducted and monsters would be vanquished. The Knights would step up to the challenge facing them.

    One step was coming together before his eyes tonight, though. The glow from the crystals surrounded him upon the roof of the Guild Hall. More allies were being added everyday. Soon their force would be great once again. Soon the the evil that had gained strength would be beaten back. Soon peace would dawn upon the land once more.

    With that reassuring thought, he went in search of a bed with the hopes of peaceful dreams.

    Valrick, Vlar and Beethoven like this.

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