Adventures in Shame

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Blaise, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I woke to find myself still in my spined leather studded armor, spear in hand muttering something about Gragus....The name bringing back all too painful memories.....

    It started as plainly as any beautiful day in Britannia could. A party mustered on the steps of the S^T Supply Depot and current Adventure Time guild hall. So many, nigh on a dozen, but a few were off to bed. Weary from a day's hard toil in the world. Alas, a party was formed and the hardy muttered about where we might be off to.
    With a fondness of the old lands and nostalgic pangs pulling at my soul I shouted 'To Shame!!!!'.
    Before the clamor of approval ceased the gate was opened behind me and the throng lept forth.
    With ease we carved our way through the most basic of the elementals, air, fire, water and earth. But lo, and behold, our old nemesis the most deadly poison elemental was spinning around it's old stomping grounds.
    While not to be trifled with, it was surely no match for such a force of friends. Blades, bows and bellowing flames of magic dispatched the vile beast in short order.
    On to the mage tower to smote these evil mages with our poison soaked blades. It was easy getting in, but no matter how many heals were cast...there simply was no saving me this time....
    Not to be outdone, this group of heroes pulled my corpse from the ground, resurrected me and allowed me the time to equip my recently dropped items.
    From there we moved on to find ourselved beset by a grouping of Elder Gazers. Fiendish beasts they were, shedding so much blood.....
    Party members dying in my hands whilst I bandage them....the horror...the can I save them all.....if I can't save..myself..

    Thankfully nothing lost but a bit of pride, easily regained by the looks on our faces as we returned home. Rich not only with the rewards left by our fallen enemies, but moreso with the wealth of comradery and friendship that saw us all through this adventure....mostly unscathed!
  2. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Three cheers for Adventure Time!!!

  3. Drewywopper

    Drewywopper New Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    hip hip hooray
    hip hip hooray
    hip hip hooray
    hip hip hooray..

    wait thats 4... the extra one was for my guild killing that fucking poison ele that raped me solo b4 my char was finished

    GG POISON ELE... Goodgame.

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