Almost there! - Stormhold and Paws Epic Adventure!

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    If a picture could tell a thousand words, well, then lets be honest I would have to write this $&%#-ing story. But I hope you find that along in this brief summary, the smallest fragment of what I can only capture of this epic adventure. So with a thousand and 474 words, please enjoy, great horse drive of UO:R

    My favorite part of this tale, was our momentous encounter with the memorial tower in King Brit’s forest. Seriously this was not what I was expecting when I started out this quest, but this was awesome. We all lit a candle to think of him, Sir Orrin left a shield to protect him, and Borin Drake left hides to keep him warm.

    Taking place in this tale:
    Borin Drake
    Godric Greycliff
    Thayer of Stormhold
    Eragon of Stormhold
    Athena of.. (well.. we don’t really know..)
    Sir Orrin of Paws
    Felshernur of Paws
    Catalin of Paws
    (Jupiter never seems to be around at the same time as Catalin….)

    *lift curtains*

    Shaking the man’s hand, Catalin agreed “It’s a deal, we’ll have the finest horses here within a month!”

    “You better, and don’t forget I want them fresh for the gate!,” the reply came from a man of clear wealth, with royal trim on his pants and a tunic of purple that would make the King of OoO salivate.

    Catalin raced to Paws with excitement, it wouldn’t take but a few hours to get some horses from Paws to Yew by use of the public gates!

    However, upon arriving in Paws, Jupiter quickly grounded Catalin’s high hopes. “You say he wanted the mares fresh for the gate? Well that most certainly means he doesn’t want you carting them through moongates!”


    And so, calling together as many as he could, Catalin put together the great Horse Drive. They fought through woodlands, they stopped at fields, they honored the brave (, they spotted AFK choppers, Sir Orrin drove off mongbats, and at long last they arrived at Yew!


    The wealthy man paced in front of the Empath Abby. As the group emerged from the treeline, he looked visibly distressed.

    “Oi, where the ‘ell were you lot! I need those horses for the races! They start in less than ten minutes!”

    “Well we took the shortest route here, through the snake pass,” Catalin started, but was quickly interrupted.

    “For cryin’ out loud,” the wealthy man complained, “why’dn’t ya just take the moongates? It was that wizard.. wasn’t it? I tell you those wizards are always going about ruddyin’ up other’ folks business.”

    The exasperation from all who stood near was evident. Was it by dumb luck, sheer accident, or completely intentional that the old Grey Wizard had sent them packing through the woods and turned what should have been a three minute trip, into a three hour tour?

    Azoth and Liberation like this.
  2. [Mobolin]

    [Mobolin] Active Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    Twas a glorious adventure, one I am proud to say I was a part of!

    It had everything you'd bashing, semi-nude racing on a track covered in turnips, witty banter, randomly running into other players who stop to say "Dafuq?!" (also a man completely obsessed with the "next tree!")...and most of all, a truly touching sentimental moment at a Tower placed by Gideon.

    If you read this...we miss ya buddy!

    A huge thanks to Jupiter and everyone else involved...I really enjoyed myself!

  3. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Truly an amazing adventure! One that I'll remember for a long time. :)







    Jupiter and Liberation like this.

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