Armor AR Questions

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Tol, Feb 2, 2019.

  1. Tol

    Tol Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    I tried to do my own searching, but I can't seem to find the page I was looking for about armor AR ratings..So I'm asking you guys!

    I have a suit of barbed leather armor made by a gm tailor. All pieces are exceptional. Last night it said 31 Ar, which I thought was weird since it should be 30 right?. So today I put the same suit back on (it was in a bag for the nights training) and my AR is now 27. Same suit, same character, wasn't even worn since it was first made and put on to 'see how it fit'. What is the deal? I triple checked it, I have all pieces on and no one else has worn it since. Does durability rating effective how much defense it gives? IF so what are the cut offs? Still confuses me about it since no one used it. Could a spell I had on effect it? Maybe I had Reactive Armor on or something and didn't realize?

    So what is the deal with armor and AR and exceptional Gm tailor vs let's say the nicest invulnerability suit you can find?
    My understanding is that barbed leather exceptional crafted armor is the top of the line currently...assuming medable armor only.

    Weapons info I found, agapite runic and up is stronger than anything you can find, assuming it is power or better? I think. I don't really play warriors so I'm not as interested.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Buga

    Buga Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Not sure what happened to your suit, but yes as durability decrease armor rating is reduced too.

    Maybe you can check here:

    If you click on a piece of leather armor it will give more details about it and bonuses of different materials.
    SIRCAPTED likes this.
  3. Tol

    Tol Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Thank you so much! That was what I needed, I don't know why but sometimes I just can't find the pages I need. I definitely noticed several different spell pages. Maybe I found that side of the armors.

    So GM leather is good but Fortification and Invulnerability mods are still higher. Very cool. I'm happy to know it's strong armor but not overly powerful. This shard seems to have a great balance.

    Also the only answer regarding the suit was it must have been damaged somehow. I made a new one and it read 31 as it should. So maybe a friend wore it for something or idk who knows! Thanks
    Buga likes this.

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