I was curious if any consideration had ever been given to adding some type of audio prompt whenever the Anti-AFK Gathering gump pops-up. As things are currently, I don't feel comfortable having a gathering macro run while I'm dungeoning on a different character as I'm afraid the gump will pop-up and I'll miss it (I have a sucky small monitor). Some type of distinct sound playing when the gump pops-up would let us macroers know that we should check-on all of our game windows. If this somehow goes against the design of the Anti-AFK system, I would understand (but hey, a guy can dream…).
To me and my extremely humble opinion that doesn't matter, that seems to be the point of the anti-AFK gump. Dungeoning while tabbed out of resource gathering screen isn't 'in attendence.' I have 2 monitors and dungeon on main and mine on other, sound is not needed if attending the macro. This addition would make standing away from the computer easier as well. Make some dinner, *beep - walk over, click axe* - Back to making dinner.
I'm going to have to agree with Phyze on this one. An audio cue 100% defeats the purpose of the system.
If they were going to put a sound to it. They could be trolls and play the sound of your character dying... haha
An audio cue would defeat the purpose of the system. While the term "away from keyboard" is tossed around, having the screen minimized is just as bad. What we are trying to avoid is players who run to computer controlled "profit macros" while playing a 3rd account and claiming that they are "attended". Our stance has always been if you cannot watch the screen, simply pause the macro. Since the system is applied evenly to all players 24 hours a day, the value of everyone's resources benefits. Also keep in mind the only punishment under the system is jail time, so unlike most servers where a mistake will cost you an account ban, deleted possessions, or worse. You are simply informed about the system and allowed to leave jail after a short sentence. Renaissance Anti AFK Gathering System Note: Unless it has changed in newer clients, the UO Client will only play sounds/music from the client you currently have active.
This wouldn't work anyway. Noises are only played for the current client open in the foreground on your screen. If your gatherer's client was minimized or in the background, you wouldn't hear the gump noise. The only people that would benefit from the gump noise are the ones that have their gatherer in the foreground and are just doing other things.
For what it's worth, someone published a little audio fix that would let UO audio remain audible even when the program was not in the foreground. I'll have to dig for it if anyone is interested.