Up for auction is my bod collection. I've neglected it as of late and it's not as large as it used to be, but someone else can surely put what's left to good use! Terms Starting bid: 200,000 gold pieces Buyout: none Auction ends when final bid stands for 48 hours Platinum accepted at 7,000gp each (edit: yes, the auction is for the entire lot, I don't really have the time to sell them individually) There are ~500 total, here is a (rough count) list of what there is: ~70 small cloth bods 250+ studded/bone bods bag of ~100 unsorted large bods/small leather bods handful of footwear bods (mostly 20ct, some 10/15) 100+ large bods 20 CBD large bods. ~5 or so are already filled except for the footwear, the rest have most/all of the unfilled smalls (four bags on the top row in the picture above) Book of special leather bods https://i.imgur.com/76NnnWT.png Bonus: Winning bidder will also get ~85 unsorted blacksmith bods