Breaking the First Seal

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Baerron Jael, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Baerron Jael

    Baerron Jael Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    The scent was heavy on the Spiritwood this evening. The scent of a meddling wizard and no other to stand in the way of Baerron Jael. He was so close to achieving the first step in a long march to free the Master.

    It was foolish of Baerron Jael to have sparred and toyed with the wizard and his cohort so much, but the amusement it brought him was too intoxicating to simply pass by. He lost count of the years down in that Stygian Abyss after it was sealed by the great volcanic eruption. Alas, now was no longer the time to play with his prey. The wizard, at long last, was alone in the Spiritwood.

    Not many words exchanged between the wizard and Baerron Jael before the wizard attacked with his fabled staff of power. It was a gesture of aggression that the daemon did not expect from the wizard, for other encounters the wizard often hid behind his followers.


    With the wizard at last soundly defeated, Baerron Jael dismembered the old wizard's body. The essence and energy contained within would be enough to begin the true corruption that will break the first of the eight seals that bound his Master.

    The desecration of the shrines was more than a mere petty stab of revenge (see here, Foolish Interlopers), it prepared the shrines for the blighted corruption that he would now bring to them. The energy of the shrines, once darkened, would be enough to break the seals of his Master.

    The daemon had enough collected body parts of the necessary humans to begin at the first shrine, the shrine of Honor. Upon his arrival, the desecration of the shrine began in earnest.









    The first of the Master's seals were broken. Seven remain. The daemon will require more bodies.
    Zyler, eherruh, wylwrk and 8 others like this.
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    *at the sapphire pond Jupiter sits and meditates on all his past follies*

    The sapphire pond swirled to life, and then suddenly a portion darkened. Jupiter snapped out of his trance and studied the area in the pond.

    "Maiden," he called out, "Maiden what does this mean?" The longer there was no response, the greater the pit grew in his stomach.

    Then came a gurgled reply, "Wi z. arbd... helb neebded ... bHonor Sbrrrine."

    The nature of the response did little to alleviate Jupiter's ill feeling. He flew as fast as he could to the shrine of Honor, and sure enough found something he had never beheld before...

    The shrines had, without mark or blemish, withstood wars, weather, and even time. But now... Jupiter quickly tried to remove the desecrations, but to no avail. It seemed as if they were bound by some dark unholy power. And this power, if only at one shrine could interfere with the Sapphire Maiden.

    Something would have to be done.

    Zyler, eherruh, Cero and 5 others like this.
  3. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Having received word of this unspeakable act, The Dungeon Fairy heads out to lay the groundwork of a magical ritual of his own....

    As usual, The Dungeon Fairy plays muse to the true heroes of Britannia in hopes of inspiring Honor!

    edit: just noticed I posted this vid with no context... I bet this one seemed weirder than usual. TLDR magic spell blah blah.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    This story has been added to the oral history of Paws.

  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Sorry for the stupid video. My intent was to hopefully encourage more players to venture outside of the guard zone and visit Shame dungeon (the anti-virtue of Honor btw).
    Just fyi, I distributed 575k in prizes among some of the mobs in there. I thought I had dropped enough of a hint, alas I must rethink my methods.

    I had no takers since I posted the video. No questions, no inquiry, no interest... noted. I have since recovered the placed loot.

    Sorry I caused a distraction with your RP story. I should have realized sooner you all had your own thing going.
    Aragorn - OCT likes this.
  6. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Awwww. I got the reference and really liked the video! Great idea! (next time fill me in and I can drop a few hints myself to get people to explore).

    Wylwrk, your videos are bar none the best I've seen!
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  7. Baerron Jael

    Baerron Jael Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    @wylwrk - I will admit, I saw the video and I did not pick up on the clue that half a million of gold was distributed on the monsters in the dungeon. I just thought it was a funny and amusing video.

    At no point should you ever think that you are in some way distracting or that there is some sort of thing we have going that is pre-planned and your, or anyone else's involvement would ruin it. If you wish to get involved, you are more than welcome to participate in any fashion that suits you, whether that is reclaiming the shrines, splattering some blood on some ankhs, or tossing extra money on the monsters in a dungeon. I can't speak for Jupiter or anyone else but I am willing to believe that they, like me, are not so inflexible as to not be willing to bend enough to allow for someone else to also be part of whatever is happening.
    eherruh and Jupiter like this.
  8. Quenby

    Quenby Active Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    I ran through every level of Shame, twice, looking for something, ANYTHING. It never occurred to me to kill stuff! *laughs*
    eherruh and Jupiter like this.
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    You certainly do not speak for me evil one! You did however steal the words right out of my mouth! haha.

  10. Ragar

    Ragar Active Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Yeah sorry wylwrk. Totally missed it. There are a lot of videos posted to UO:R threads but I generally skip over them as most of them are to shitty songs quality music.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2016
    Jupiter and wylwrk like this.
  11. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    oh my lambs.

    i just watched the video again and can't believe i missed this.... the bag going into the dungeon... shame on me, I was clearly not in sync!

    If you do one of these again let me know via PM and I'll do better to help promote with hints and vague references!

    i really did like the echo effect when he went into the cave. haha
    eherruh, Ragar and wylwrk like this.
  12. Aragorn - OCT

    Aragorn - OCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2016
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    Ah! I completely missed it as well. UO is the best game ever created (IMO obviously) and that's largely because there is such a variety of things to do.

    What you hinted at is just my kind of thing. Lots of money/etc is cool, but to have someone place something somewhere then go adventure for it... now that! That's something worth doing. Well done, even if I'm too simple to get it. :)

    And I agree with what has been said, jump right in. RP is a lot like improv, you do some things, others play on that, you give and take. That's what makes a great story. As long as you aren't purposefully being over the top or obnoxious, I say the more material the better. Anyway, feel free to join in on anything I'm doing. Although... I've been out of it for a bit with RL.

    For your idea I say bravo good sir!

    Oh, and the echo once in the cavern... brilliant. I laughed right out loud.
    eherruh, Jupiter and wylwrk like this.

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