Britain Herald - New King's Library Begins Construction!

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Alex Caember, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    With the recent acquisition of a fortress on the coast of Dagger isle, construction has begun on the new King's Library.


    *Artist's rendering of the 2nd floor of the new King's Library.

    The King's Library began approximately 4 months ago, and during that time it acquired more books than the then-Library could house or display. The L-Shaped house that was the former King's Library is being converted into the Britain Herald's main office. All books and tomes currently housed in the archives are scheduled to be delivered to the new King's Library in the near future once construction finishes. It is not known yet exactly when construction will conclude, but it is expected to be within the coming week.

    Upon completing construction, the next task for the King's Library falls upon the Librarian Gyles and the Curator Alex Caember to begin filling all of the new empty shelves for public use.

    Additional time-lapse pictures of the construction of the top floor:


    *The very early stages of the 2nd-floor construction. The initial plan did not call for raised lofts.

    *After a change of plans, raised lofts were to be added to the north and west walls.

    *Seen here, the failed loft construction designs. New designs were ultimately drafted and implemented.

    *After several falling accidents, railings were deemed necessary by the Great Council Safety Commission for the west loft due to its height. The north loft is lower and required no railing for safety.

    *Jupiter of Paws gives advice regarding the loft spaces as well as other decoration advice. Jerome Jackson puts his feet up while assessing the taxation amount for the new King's Library.

    *Construction begins on the shelving.

    *With the shelves in place, this floor is suitable for a minimum of 150 books/tomes for public display. Additional shelves may be added, and the current shelves can be expanded vertically to accommodate additional books.
    shad, Khalil, Lady Kashla and 4 others like this.

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