I looked for anything similar to this topic but could not find any, so here it goes.. I know this isn't 100% era appropriate, which might shut down my suggestion immediately, but I would like to see a healing-in-progress icon added to the Buff/Debuff bar, if at all possible. Again, I know this wasn't exactly present during the renaissance era but I also don't see much harm coming from this minor addition. This would help me during those times where the real world is stealing some of my attention away from the game and at the same time, my journal is constantly making new entries. At times like those, I've been known to attempt another heal while one is already in progress, which often results in my untimely demise.. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
Razor gives this to you, if you use the Heal Self hotkey to bandage yourself. You just put {bandage} in the display bar. The suggestion is a useful one, but given that it kind of already exists, my .02 would be towards preferring the staff to work on things that are either (a) fixes, or (b) new and without existing workarounds.
I like the idea and why not toss in a cooldown icon on other skills? Provocation or other barding skills, perhaps even a stealth step icon, just to toss some ideas out there. Dalavar, no one here thinks the staff should give priority to fluff over function. This is all about the flow of ideas and support or counterpoints for them, not what priority they should have over the obvious (fixing things). If all we got were fixes for things before the boys in the shop tacked on shit like PvM Leaderboards and the most epic web interface UO has ever seen, the shard would be much less populated than it is presently. We all want it to work right but having a bit of a treat along the way is preferred by myself and I'd guess I'm not alone.
Dalavar, I'm very new to Razor and could be doing something wrong, but the only thing it does for me (in regards to this issue) is display my bandage count. It doesn't tell me when I'm actively using a bandage on myself, even when I use the Bandage Self hot key.
This is correct, using this feature will display a timer on your taskbar of the UO window showing when a bandage is in affect & also how long its been applied up until completion.
This currently exists, however is limited only to the cool-down periods for the protective magery spells (protection, reactive armor, magic reflection). The icon being used to distinguish this effect at the moment is the meditation icon (obviously no longer displayed while actively meditating). We've discussed the possibilities for adding new content to the debuff icon tray, however I believe the problem at the time was simply a lack of usable icons/images to support any new concepts without confusion. If im not mistaken the only images which aren't being used by the system now are all AoS+ features (necromancy curses, paladin buffs, etc)
Can't believe I didn't think of this at the time of this thread, but another thing that would be super useful would be the magic reflect buff icon showing you how many "levels" of spells it has left on it.
I don't think I could play a dexxer anymore without the razor bandage timer. I've just been spoiled too long. I would love to start being spoiled by a timer on crosshealing and vet bandages, though.
Use the bar to display thieves perma status. It's only fitting that if a detective knows, then certainly a thief does too.
Several very good suggestions, and many of them can be easily applied should we have an existing graphic to use. Things like perma grey status, and other single variable items are easy to add. Things like a bandage timer as well can be possible. Bufficons can be toggled on and off based on triggers handled on the server, or optionally sent as a timer to the client. Things like stealth steps are best handled by razor however, and requires a single checkbox to enable. If you want to suggest a new bufficon, fire up UO Fiddler and track down a bufficon that we can use for the new addition. Green icons are considered buffs, red debuffs, and blue are neutral.