But I Say...

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    "Oni, Could you go with me to Delucia?" Asked Elma.
    "I need to get some cotton for bandages."
    "sure, Elma. I need to pick up a few items anyway."
    We walked out of the Tower, and I opened a portal to the passage of Trinsic.
    A step or two out of the cavern and we were in Delucia and safety.

    We walked over to the cotton fields and began picking.
    There is great joy even in the mundane when with a friend.

    "Thanks Oni for helping me."
    "No problem, Elma. I was happy to help you."
    "Well, guess I better get this spun up. What are you gonna do?
    "Need to go to the mage shop to get a few things," I replied.
    'Okay, see you soon then."
    "I'll be around."
    I strolled over to the mage shops and picked up a few reagents and runes.
    As I walked out of the shops, I saw an orc just outside the city gates.
    He looked ill.
    I rode over to see what was the matter.
    The orc attempted to defend himself, not knowing what my motives were.

    Oni Neaufire_12-11_18.40-1.jpg

    I did not wish to harm him as he was sick and hurting.
    I pleaded with Vothug to follow me to the healers to see if they could help him.
    I was able to lead him as far as the mage shops and the bank when a person named Two Bears panicked and called the guards
    Poor Vothug was slain immediately.
    How cruel a fate he suffered
    He had trusted me.
    Then I thought of our society.
    This realm we live in, Sosaria.

    How are we to ever make friends with those that are different than us?
    Do we continue to slay all who have different occupations or skin color or background?
    We allow our fears and biases to dictate our actions.
    We fall victim to our greed to take away all someone has worked so hard to accomplish or acquire.
    We attack those that are weak and unable to defend themselves.
    For shame on us.
    Is there not a better way?
    Should we not bend down and help those that are hurting or ill.
    Or perhaps help them carry their heavy load back to safety.

    Fear and mayhem have no place in an ordered society.
    We are to be ever going about seeking the betterment of the society in which we live.
    I realize we will have to fight those that try to take away that which we have fought so hard to attain. (Some will never join our society)
    But If each one of us who travel this realm freely would extend our hand in friendship and help, we would not live in fear of each one who crosses our path.
    Take the time to say "Hello" to each one you see today.
    You are a part of this realm.
    Your actions will dictate how you are viewed by all.
    Will we continue to feed off each other?
    Or will we stop and give to those that which has been granted to us by being here in this realm: Grace. -
    To be allowed to live out our lives to go where and when we please to enjoy our time here with our friends - of which you could become if you would but allow.

    "For what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
    But I say unto you which hear, Love..." "The Ancient Tome"​

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