Can we get a way to transfer a house AND keep the friend/coowner list in-tact?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by snap dragon, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I don't really see any down side to this. Just make a way to transfer to people who are already coowners/friends or something and a big giant warning gump, etc..

    Additionally, why can't you co-own someone who already owns a house? It seems needless as you can just co-own them, and THEN they can get a house. So it doesnt really accomplish anything other than annoy people.

    @Chris pretty please
    Jean-Pierre likes this.
  2. Jean-Pierre

    Jean-Pierre Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Just wanted to bump this. It'd be very nice to have the option to not clear the friend/co-owner list when transferring a house.

    Also, as pointed out the "you can't be added as a co-owner to a house if you own a house" rule seems pointless since you can get around it. Plus, getting rid of that rule would actually help newer players with house security since they wouldn't have to worry about alts that could only be "friended" being unable to get past the table wall (which discourages using table walls). They could co-own those alts without doing the house transfer dance to do so.
  3. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Great ideas all around. Doesn't seem tough to implement? And no real downsides.

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