I get a message that says "That character is currently being played right now". I know the character is logging out because I watch it form another account.
Does the character have a long-term murder count? You cannot delete characters with long-term murder counts here (and I believe that is the error message you get when you try it).
Yea, long-terms are 40 hours. I think this change was added in a patch about a year ago. Basically to stem the tide against people making new characters, then town-killing AFK people with poison, and then deleting the character to avoid repercussions. Which, to be fair, was pretty rampant at the time. UOR staff is very much against people committing murders and then not having to pay the penalty (see releasing hostile pets from this patch).
Ya, I've done that as well. It's hard not to when you see someone afk macroing carrying 5k+ gold plus 1000 silk and ash plus 100 of each other reg. That opportunity was too good to pass up lol
It's an awfully silly feature and should have more involved than this. For example, I can never delete my character, ever, unless I could stay logged in game for over 3 years straight. This feature overlooks genuine PKs and punishes us with the town-PKs who can just churn and burn accounts to accomplish the easy goal of griefing AFK people.
I don't think it's fair to give someone a hard time for not spending enough time on a feature, when they're already spending tons of time on other features instead. If you have a better way to resolve the issue, by all means share it. While I'd love to give the cliche "don't do the crime if you can't do the time" speech, I am guessing you began your murderous ways before this was implemented. In which case, I think if you can show Chris you have murders before the patch (PvP Profile, etc.), exceptions would be a justifiable request.
Well, it's more about putting in a "bandage" instead of fixing a solution. His bandage to prevent churn-and-burn doesn't work for those who want to grief people in town, but instead it makes it harder for legitimate players to delete their own characters. If it was up for debate, I would give Chris suggestions for sure. For me, it's not a big deal because I don't need to delete my character. My complaint is only that it doesn't actually solve the problem.
Not that I know my ass from my elbow when it comes to scripting and/or programing... but a simple "if %player% has > 500 skillpoints > 60 days in age = ok to delete" . Lol... not trying to be a wise ass, more about being silly while trying to to find a solution as well.
Not a terrible solution. I'd even settle for "100 hours in-game time" or something along those lines.
Yes, especially because in-game time from deleted characters does not count towards monthly platinum. These are good ideas I think.
I'd like to see the message reworded to actually be the reason why the character couldn't be deleted. I know it's a "client" message and not sent from the server, but the wording is confusing because it's 100% incorrect as to why the character can't be deleted. All it can do is lead to people paging/PMing Staff for help. The language can probably be modified and packaged with the UOR installer (which is needed to play this server, unless you like invisible large keeps and fortresses). This I am not as familiar with though.