Contemplations of the Dead

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Brymstone, May 31, 2014.

  1. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Brymstone sat within his tower, allowing his thoughts to wander as they would, with their own purpose and direction. The past, a life of service and endless warfare, a family, betrayal and an eternity to examine each frame of a life once lived in exacting, minute detail.

    Was it all for this, to have existence for an eternity in service to the end of days? It seemed that this campaign never ends, the odds too great, as the living always seem to outnumber the few that heed the call of The Guardian. He had fought insurmountable odds before, always seizing victory from the jaws of defeat. This was his claim to nobility, from a long line of warriors, tactics, strategy, warfare itself was an art, a way of life. Then why is this any different, the endless battle, but never achieving victory.

    There must be a way, there simply has to be a way to finish this once and for all, to claim absolute victory over the living in the name of The Guardian. For what has seemed eons I have seen the forces of each side atrophy in their resolve to finally destroy the opposing forces, with victory comes rest, of which there has been none since I have been cleansed of my flesh.

    A darkness descended upon the chamber as if a curtain of shadow had been drawn across the entire expanse of the room. The candles flickered then were extinguished altogether, there was now only darkness.

    "Brymssssssstone, I have been listening to your thoughts, you appear.........troubled."

    Brymstone knew the voice, it was The Guardian.

    "I am not troubled my lord, I simply wish to declare victory in your name, to finish this battle once and for all that all might know your glory."

    "Ahhhhhhhhh Brymsssssstone, you still think as a man of flesh, do you still not see the truth."

    "Of course my lord, I hold the truth as my reason for all things that I do in your name."

    "Yessssss, but it is one thing to blindly serve the truth and another to believe in the truth."

    "I do believe my lord, I do."

    "Of that I have no doubt, but you approach the truth as the flesh and not as one who has been cleansed of it. Brymssssstone, the truth is that all things succumb to the natural state of death. What is a mere lifetime in the flesh as compared to an eternity of the soul, all things that the flesh endeavors to accomplish or toils with, is burdened with or how cruelly it is tested it is still a grain of sand upon an eternal desert in comparison. I wish only for the flesh to know and embrace this truth, I set the flesh free and allow them to make a choice, to serve me and spread the truth or pass on to eternal bliss or condemnation. It is a hard choice to make and an even more difficult existence in service to the truth, but our war is not a war upon the flesh as you see it, it is an awakening and we are the light of a new dawn. We will continue to shine the light of truth and strip away the fallacy of the flesh until each realm is cleansed. Do you think this is the only realm I have ever existed in? I have cleansed countless realms and shall continue to do so as there is always countless more, Brymssssstone, open your eyes, you cannot judge victory or defeat when you are confronted with an eternity of battles, you simply be that which you must to bring the truth into being."

    "Contemplate this my loyal warrior"

    The chamber went silent as a tomb, the flames of the candles sprung to life and once more illuminated the room, casting long shadows across the walls and floors, the darkness had left.

    Brymstone sat alone once more, and contemplated the words spoken to him, words of the dead.
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
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