200k flat price. do your math and buy it. Includes: (162 insturmens total) - 4 repond - 29 exorcism - 9 balron damnation - 3 deamon dismissal - 1 fey slayer - 1 blood drinking - 1 elemental ban - 1 earth shatter - 1 reptilian death - 1 dragon slaying - 5 spiders death - 5 terathan slayer - 34 arachnid doom - 37 silver - 1 air elemental - 1 lizardman - 4 scorpions bane - 3 flame dousing - 2 gargoyles foe - 2 water dissipation - 2 summer wind - 1 snakes bane - 14 regular instruments note: there is a couple of used instruments in there.