Hail and Well Met! I would like to Introduce you to Everything Yew Heart Desires! We are located in the small tower on the South side of Yew Bank. We're so close, you can access your bank box from inside or even outside the vendor house! We sell: Bulk Reagents ancient messages in a bottle Special Fishing Nets Messages in Bottles Treasure maps of various levels Barbed leather armor sets Full Spellbooks Runebooks Full Marked Runebooks Bulk Scrolls of the popular variety Bulk Arrows and GM made bows BOD rewards Bulk Order Deeds Rares A lotto vendor Magic weapons House addons Ship deeds Gargoyle Shovels Gargoyle's Pickaxe and MORE! See you there!
Not to get off topic but here is the client mods. http://www.burningsheep.ch/finished.html Come visit our vendors, great pricing 3700gp/4700gp regents! If you like them, tell a friend!
This is also home to the following Incrateble Lotto! http://uorforum.com/threads/introdu...is-updated-new-prizes-prices-6-17-2015.10672/ Thanks!
Yew are one smart vendor. At this rate yew'll be a millionaire by the weekend. I'll buy yew's wares for sure.
Newest addition added. Intoxable's rare vendor! I sell rares and other uncommon hard to find items! Come down and see us and bring the kiddies why dontcha!
RESTOCKED RARES Come on out and see us. Don't forget to try our incrateble lotto! You could be our next winner http://uorforum.com/threads/introdu...-is-updated-new-prizes-prices-7-2-2015.10672/
Come see us. We bundle rares now. Starter kits to make your own stable and or workshop. Now available!