Fast Reference for Dungeon Crawlers at Halloween Instance (for all those that move in the shadows)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Radagast2369, Oct 12, 2024 at 5:26 PM.

  1. Radagast2369

    Radagast2369 Member

    Jul 20, 2023
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    "I wonder where that old rascal Assa is... sometimes I think there is nothing that guy doesn't know. He tought me a lot of what I know. I was looking for advice on how to develop one of my skills... and without realizing it, he tought me a whole profession, many interesting places, he has goten me out of more trouble than I can remember... Oh yes!! I wonder what Assa is doing... moving in the shadows as always undetectably"
    Quote from "The Adventures of Marco Polo" dedicated to his master Assa.

    This "fast check" doesnt cover all situations or posibilities that a dungeon crawler could find in the halloween instance, but gives an idea of how we will have to act in order to survive and what we can expect.
    We will take as example "The Secret Chamber" located south-east in the instance.
    First of all we will need to know how to get in... in this case the key is a candle, turn on the candle under the vertical arrow so the secret door on the right of the horizontal arrow opens:


    Once the door is opened we go inside this room. There are 2 holes. One on the top is an exit. The bottom hole goes to the secret chamber... but... be aware!!, even under stealth as soon as you get in you will be revealed and won't be wellcome... so be ready for aKtion!!!. Mobs in there can inviz... so probably as soon as you get into the chamber they will appear from nowhere hitting you hard... precast inviz is a good idea couse there is a high chance you won't be able to hide under attack as soon as you enter into the Chamber.

    As some mobs in this Chamber can inviz they could be anywhere... and acidentaly reveal you while stealthing... in order to avoid this try get your stamina points under your max stamina points so you can not acidentaly go on an ocupied spot and being revealed. You can make this by drinking agility potion (if this do it before enter couse drink portions will reveal you)... or by wearing and unwearing a mage shop´s wizard´s hat (better option.. can be done as many times as needed without being revealed). However if you precast inviz before enter use it inmediately couse as I said before there is a big chance they will be waiting for you from the very begining. Once you are inviz and not under attack the very first thing we do is to hide by using hiding skill before inviz effect is gone because the spell has a limited time:


    The place is plenty of traps so once you are in, choose carefully each step and your route to open as many chests as you can. Dying here is easy... having some logistical support from friends outside the room is a good idea. Remember if you die here you can get out of the instance using the "leave instance button" in the instance menu that appears on the screen, but you will get back just your last corpse... if you have valuables in the corpse try not to die a second time before you get your items back because you will get an empty corpse once you are back to Event Center.
    To open the chests the typical strategy of taking a step back, opening the chest and looting it (this will not reveal to you) that we do in regular dungeons works but be careful because some of these chests have more range and can damage you or even kill you depending on how many hit points you have left. Try to keep hit points as high as posible. Remember drinking potions will reveal you. Heal with bandages if you can so chests traps don't kill you. If you can't heal take it easy. Let your toon to recover some hit points before keep going. Think you have almost 30 minutes. Time enough to open many chests as far as we keep ourselves alive.
    Next two images are a tipical example of what we can find in those chests.... items, gold... sometimes platinum coins and/or holiday coins... and for all those who know how this works... there is always a little chance of getting very special or rare items inside special containers... moss covered garbaje in "Hidden Rooms" chests... lvl7 t-maps in treasure chests..., a nice light grey large stone vase in the lost treasures rooms.... I highly suspect same happens here. I can not confirm it yet but probably some kind of event rare item has a little chance to be dropped. I am so sure... I just know it... I write these words with the hope that if I do not succeed in finding out, some brave adventurer more capable, more skilful, and more fortunate than I will do...

    "I have grown old and these hands that once opened any lock now trembling are writing these lines. I've had a good life. I have known incredible places where I found treasures and unique objects. But every morning after so many years I still remember a particular place. That chamber... the chests in that chamber... These lines are the treasure map that I could not find. I hope it can guide you."
    Quote from "The Adventures of Marco Polo".



    Basically summing up... be light as air, calculate each step you take, precisely coordinate the correct order of your movements.... and have the best time playing UO!!!!
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2024 at 5:46 AM
    AOٌ likes this.
  2. AOٌ

    AOٌ Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Epic! Always wondered how that was accessed, great story and walk through!
    Radagast2369 likes this.

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