(for chris)

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by purple, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. purple

    purple Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    hey chris, what's with all the brown spots in the water that the boat is getting hung on?
    and this tile?

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  2. Atraxi

    Atraxi Member

    May 9, 2013
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    This would be more appropriate in the bug reports section.

    In answer to your question, when you see things like that out in the water, those are generally map errors. They're usually issues with the game map, itself, not something GMs can just erase, or something that they caused. You can see where one is near the Moonglow docks. It was restricting movement, as well. When I pointed it out to Ezekiel back when I first started here, he covered it up with some rocks that look much better.

    These types of issues are all over the map. They're usually seen in the water only, but I would assume that they're not restricted to water only. The land areas of the map are raised to a higher elevation, so if these were present in those areas, the land would cover them. Many times, the errors show as grid lines that may or may not restrict movement, but other times, you get larger things, like the brown lines and random tiles that you see.

    Did you try teleporting to the tile? I know of at least one out in the middle of the ocean that you can actually teleport to and mark a rune at the spot.

    Not really useful for much, but an interesting little rune to have.
  3. purple

    purple Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    yes an interesting rune indeed

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