Well folks, once again Adventure Time is setting up shop to train up your Magic Resist, for FREE. On Sunday, February 1st, look for event gates in Britain and Occlo, or just head on up north of Minoc to the Land of OoO and bring your GHOST ONLY, into the keep in the image below. You'll get resurrected inside and begin gaining Resist when we start casting from upstairs. Once we start, I will hold off casting until we have ~50 targets in the target area (where the sandstone benches are). This is sure to get you prepared for a hot and heavy Valentine's Day. Donations are welcome but not required. I could use a pile of storebought instruments, some wizard hats and maybe bandages so I don't have to go buy another 120k cloth See you all there.
Just another reason why this server is so great. Players doing things for other players. From the hosts to those giving donations. Thanks all of ya... Westra
My contribution to this party will be a little bit of 80s gold I discovered this morning on the YouTubes:
Thanks for saving us some work and showing where the good loot is (valorite hamma!) And I'm telling every new player I see about the Freesist. If it's very crowded and you run low on regs, let me know.
I will be running the main heal/resbot with my TB guy. I will be reaching out to members of opposing factions for assistance if others are needed. The res/heal system is easy but more costly now. I just leave a massive pile in the dead center of the target area, locked down, and seemingly everyone can use it. Halabinder, I can't watch that in my country. :/ Random, we want it as crowded as it can get. The more the merrier and the greater return on the investment, the more people we have inside. I'll be starting with 25k casts.
I'm down for 5k each reg and 60k bandages if you need them. I will be on IRC and able to log in tonight 8:30-10:30pm EST.
Ok guys, I'll be on IRC all day at work again. Hit me up whenever. I've got a party tonight and more availability tomorrow which is when I'll really be setting up. Dalavar, that bandage tip will help a great deal and thanks all for the support and reagent donations.