He has slumbered for too long...

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Zim, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. Zim

    Zim Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    *lights candles*
    Good souls mortals....

    I come to you today to share my sadness and to offer a warning.

    I have enjoyed my reincarnation on this shard for some time now. Although I have thrived, I have been witness to an abomination both horrible and familiar. Time and time again I have seen the "just" and "innocent" peoples of Britannia slaughter my undead brethren by the thousands. Ive seen this in ALL of my incarnations across all shards since the beginning! Since the Avatar first shattered the gem of mortality!
    For what?




    The Lich, mighty as they are are, are no match for the repulsive metal known as silver. Its disruption of undead magics has been known for some time. Since its discovery it has been fashioned into many things from trinkets to simply ward away evil, to fearsome weapons meant to destroy my brothers completely! An unborn scout was sent to commune with the noble Liches of Yew. What he found when he arrived at the meeting site was appalling, but it must be shown. We dare not avert our eyes from horrible things lest we invite them to overcome us.

    Lesser servants of The Guardian while young, are full of vigor and zeal. They can be frustrating, they rarely listen, and they posses only a meager capacity for fighting. Despite all this they are a source of great pride for Hordelings as they are their spawn and they will one day temper their resolve and become better servants of Him. I shake my decaying fist at the humans. For in their arrogance not even the younglings are "permitted" to live! The wicked humans use them to TRAIN how to swing their weapons and cast their magics! These beautiful yet lesser servants of The Guardian are again slaughtered one by one. Many having to bear witness to the destruction of their newly formed brothers while rendered helpless by the humans strange lyrical magics.

    Humans have found a way to imbue simple instruments with silver and other powerful magics to cause many strange effects among the undead. Some humans have found a way to amplify the natural fighting instinct in our hordes to such a degree, that we begin to turn on each other. Other "bards" play songs that fill our bodies with such an influence of silver that we become mentally and physically weak! Even more sinister musicians have found a way to even strip us of our will itself, rendering us almost catatonic an unable to move or defend ourselves.

    An emissary was sent to the summoning circle of deceit, one of our mightiest strongholds, to commune with a powerful daemonic ally called a Balron known only to us as "the collector of souls." He aids us in predicting the movements and advances of the human armies. When she arrived she saw that the summoning ritual had already been completed!!! She arrived just in time to see the daemon breathe its last. The culprit was still there attempting to remove the valuables and weapons the denizen carried. They were dispatched completely.

    The Guardian has slumbered for too long. It is time for the followers of Him to rise up and defend these lands. The suffering of my people is so great, it may even be time to resurrect The Guardian Himself!!! I have not seen such destruction and the obliteration of my brothers in many lifetimes. You should tremble in fear humans. We are given the gift of immortality by Him! Even as I write this He is sending energy to birth new undead lords. Watch helplessly as your pitiful "pets" are so overwhelmed by fear that they sit motionless, unable to respond to their "masters" hopeless cries defend them. Let us hear your pleads for mercy and regret for destroying our brothers. Run in terror and pray to your "god" when the Undead Horde comes for you. No one is safe. Hide if you can and take this warning and despair.




    *blows out candles*
  2. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Good souls, again it is time to rise.
    Mordechai and Vlar like this.
  3. Mordechai

    Mordechai Active Member

    Nov 24, 2014
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    We should get some fights going. ;)

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