As you are the only one talking trash, feel free to move it all you want. Or just don't reply and the conversation will stop. It's really simple.
As minimum increase is 25k, I am guessing these bids on 3A and 3B are invalid, as they were at 300k before. So: 3A & 3B 325k each
Ahh, I didn't see that. Consider my bids invalid. 25k min bid increase on 90k/100k items seems silly to me, but not my auction. 3a & b 350k ea
1- if 25k min bid inc rule is for "all items" as official post says, that makes iago's bid invalid but we are not at federal court so... 2- i guess iago already retracted his bid on fence wep package 3- if its not too late im biddin 101k on item 8