What we have here are some great options for Dragons and Wyrms that are worthy of any dungeon in UO don't miss out. STATS: HITS INT DEX STR DragA: 823 100 452 823 SB 25k DONATED DragF: 821 105 443 824 SB 50k BONDED Partially trained Sold to Captain Morgan 100k DragC: 824 98 458 825 SB 25k Sold to Treehugger 25K DragD: 821 105 469 819 SB 25k DONATED WWb: 752 119 424 754 SB 50k WWc: 749 130 424 754 (Pure) GM7 Trained SB 100k Sold to Namarra 285K WWd: 755 126 420 754 (Pure) GM7 Trained SB 100k Sold to Regina 100k WWe: 750 121 419 760 (Pure) GM7 Trained SB 100k Sold To Icewalker 100k Standard 24/48 hour rules apply Plat accepted at 10k H Coin accepted at 7k