Idea for the Future: Making Satiation Relevant

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Wise, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    As far as I know, satiation (how full you are) only affects stamina regeneration (possibly mana, not sure). Anyway, as a long term future project what are your (the staff and community) thoughts on making satiation relevant.


    • *Satiation affects skills: Mining/LJ produces less per vein/tree if you are hungry (hungry workers are inefficient workers)

      *Satiation affects stats: Mana health and stamina should all be tied to hunger. If you are hungry you are less likely to heal, concentrate (meditate) or physically exert yourself.

      *Satiation affects spells: Magery is a huge drain on the physical body, if one is hungry it makes sense for their spells to be less effective and vice versa.

    Bringing this into effect could open up an entire new aspect to the game and would greatly help the cooking skill become more relevant. (GM cooks make better food which has better nutritional value). Also taste ID could be tied into this as well.

    Just a random thought, feedback is greatly welcome.


    Afterthought: Eventually we will have gardening as well if I am not mistaken. Home grown food + GM cooking could produce super food in limited amount, kind of like a total refresh sandwich :mrgreen:
    Rick Thorp and Spooner like this.
  2. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I like the idea but the guys who don't give fuck'all about Ultima and just want 'MOAR PVP NAO' will hate it, just as much as mount fatigue.

    That said, of course I'm on board. Passive regeneration should NOT be free from the impact of hunger! I can't concentrate when I'm famished. I fatigue faster and rest brings me little health regeneration if I haven't eaten. :p

    Point being, all of those should be impacted by the scale of satiation as you've put it. I don't know how much that could or should tie into skill gain or gathering/production from skills. Would my hits be less damaging if I were hungry or moreso if I were full on some steroid packed GM potato soup?

    There has to be a line, however crooked, that makes UO:R it's own shard and not delving too deeply into a hardcore RP shard.

    Perhaps there are ways to implement such a thing that will only benefit the community that gives a crap about such things? Perhaps some special foods that give bonuses to resisting attacks by various monsters. I'm never going to Terathan keep without my Ophidian Bread! (get it, because Ophids are their enemies? oh wait, I don't need to explain that).

    I love the idea but I do not want to step on the toes of the combative community by making even more excuses for why they lost such and such battle.
    Rick Thorp likes this.
  4. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Whatever is done with this in the future to 'finish the game' I suggest it include Taste ID.
  5. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    You could make it actually impact skill gain. To Blaise's point, that shouldn't impact combat, but would be meaningful for new players. Also great for trolling because breaks the longstanding UO rule that food doesn't, nor has it ever, impacted skill gain.
  6. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I'd love to see satiation mean something (and by extension, cooking). But it always rides a very slippery slope towards becoming a meaningless tedious task.

    I think bonuses to crafting & resource gathering sound like the best idea.
  7. Upgrayedd

    Upgrayedd Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Oct 8, 2012
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    Yea! Another meaningless task! It will be super excellent to take a break from cutting my bandages one by one.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    PS: Everything in this game is a meaningless and tedious task. If you don't agree, turn the game off and see what the impact is. lol
  9. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2012
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    Awesome feedback so far!

    To address the obviously important PvP issue, bonus to combat could be restricted to PvM engagement.

    I do like the idea of giving bonuses to skills and combat when full but in the spirit of making things harder not easier this should be balanced with some penalties for hunger.
  10. Spooner

    Spooner Active Member
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    Jul 9, 2013
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    Would be a great way to have food play a bigger role in the game. Completely makes sense that you wouldn't do as well since you're hungry. Also makes cooking and taste ID a lot more useful.

    Definitely don't want food to give buffs or anything like that, but to make sure you can work at normal capacity you shouldn't be starving.

    I've also seen some shards where you die if you don't eat. That could be worth looking into.

    I just wonder if we could some how make drinks more relevant as well.
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Sadly, too many players here just want to play the status quo of UO wherein nothing really impacts their botted game. I love the concept of dying if you don't eat.

    A UO day is 2 hours. If you don't eat at least once in a 2 hour period, after such time health decreases 1 point at a time until you die....or eat something.

    Drink could be cool too but it's not like there's a bunch of nalgene bottles floating around. :)
  12. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2012
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    Booze increases physical damage resistance at the expense of greater stamina drain (drunken brawling is fun but tiring)
  13. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2013
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    I love the idea.

    Call my old fashioned but I keep some fish steaks on most of my chars most of the time.
    I wasn't even sure whether satiation did have any effects on skill gain or combat performance and I'm surprised to read it doesn't.

    - There are different kinds of food that can each be classified into one of the categories "Snack" "Meal" "Feast"
    - Fish steaks should be put into "Snack" category and provide the same satiation as they do now
    - Larger foods like ribs and birds should be "Meals" and provide two or three times the satiation of fish steaks
    - Complicated recipe food should be categorized "Feast" and instantly fully satiate you

    Maybe we can copy a little from the hunger system in Minecraft. It would be helpful to be able to determine my chars current satiation status by saying i.e. "Would you like a snack"

    Please don't make it too complicated thought.

    - No food special effects please. There are enough items with special effects and it's confusing enough and might bring some mechanics out of balance
    - Let's agree on one set of effects and not make exceptions for PvP and PvM. If hunger impacts your fighting, make it universal. Let's say there's no impact before going below half satiation. This way you are safe if you eat yourself stuffed before joining a fight and don't have to eat for another 60 minutes without penalties.
    - Satiation should definitely affect crafting ! Make it a 25% base success penalty with maximum hunger and scale it up to 50% satiation.
    - Generally, there shouldn't be any penalty above a certain satiation threshold. I propose anything about 50% satiation should remain penalty free. You wouldn't want to force everyone in the game to keep stuffing fish steak in every 5 minutes. Just make sure you eat every once in a while
    - Same thing for Magery - lower the success chance for a spell with lower satiation. Every time I fail a Gate with my GM Mage, I eat fish steaks until I'm stuffed ;)
    - Make sure hunger-fails do not help skill gain. That would be terrible as certain VERY valuable skills could then easily be GMed when training hungry (Cartography, Lockpicking). All current GM Lockpicker would probably lynch us...
    - No special items for working at full satiation. I don't see much sense in it and it would make crafting skills much more difficult to explain.
  14. Spooner

    Spooner Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 9, 2013
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    This is still a great idea.
    Lightshade likes this.

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