In Defense of the Realm.. The whole Realm..

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    "Lady Oni," exclaimed Elma as she came riding hard from the southern part of our Realm to my house.
    "Shadbak has run into a terrible bear-mounted warrior down in the glade."
    I hurriedly donned my war armor and grabbed my bag of magic tricks.
    "Lead on , Elma," I proclaimed.
    "I have heard these bear warriors can be overwhelming."

    We rode hurriedly towards the south.
    Elven archers and warriors were all about the Sanctuary of the Glade.
    The bear-warrior was attempting to knock the door open and attack Shad.
    I quickly set about calling up some whirling blades to occupy the elven army.
    Elma smashed into the warriors as Shad fired her bow tirelessly.
    The elves began to fall all around as I emptied my 'bag of tricks' on them also.

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    With the underlings of the elven army occupied, we turned our main focus on their leader.
    He and his army were brought down by the combined might of sword, bow, mace and magic.

    "Thank you, Lady Oni," Shad said gratefully as I bandaged up her wounds.
    "I don't think I could have survived without Elma and you helping.
    "That's what Friends are for, are they not."
    "Aye, my Friend," she replied.
    We rested for a few moments and reorganized.
    "We need to be sure all the realm is secure for travelers," I commented.
    "Indeed we do, replied Elma.
    "Are you ready, Shad? I asked.
    "Aye, Oni."

    We continued south and around the tip of the river into the Headwater Region and down to the edge of the mountain range.

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    We found some rogue elves and dispatched them also.
    From there, we turned east and headed for the Village of Paws to see if they would be in need of assistance.

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    We found a few more scout and ranger elves trying to sneak into the village and dispatched them.
    We rode out of the Village and back towards our own Realm.
    Shad rode with us.
    As we rode close to a beautiful home just to the North of the Headwater Region, Shad cried out,
    "Get away from my new home!"
    I adjusted my eyes to see what Shad was yelling at.
    Another rogue elf was trying to ransack the house.
    We quickly fell on the elf, and he succombed to the repeated blows of Shad and Elma, and the fire I lit under and around him

    "This was why I was headed into your Realm today," Shad commented.
    "I wanted to show you my new home."
    "IIt is very beautiful, Shad, I replied .
    'You have chosen a most elegant design."
    "It is gorgeous," added Elma.
    Shad's face broke into a big smile.
    "Thankee', both."
    "Would you like to see the inside?
    "Indeed we would," I replied.
    We walked inside.

    Shad gave us the grand tour.
    It is a wonderful home through and through..
    The view from the balcony is breathtaking.

    This is why we defend our Realm. the whole Realm.
    No one has the right to try and take away or desecrate that which we have fought hard to build.
    Elma, Vlar, Codus and 3 others like this.

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