Infiltration of Demise - A VoP Adventure

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, May 11, 2014.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Adventurers in this story:
    Borin Drake – Freeman of Paws
    Sir Orrin – Freeman of Paws
    Catalin – Freeman of Paws[/b]
    Khan Kristopher – Freeman of Paws
    Athena – Freemaiden of Paws (temporarily on loan to the zoo keeper to find his lost animals)
    Marjo – Lady of Wispfelt
    NOZGOTH (sorry for shouting in caps, but this is really his name. You can’t say it without yelling)
    The Ettin King – (self proclaimed King of Ettins)
    Morin Oakstone – King of the North


    Borin gazed out his window as he sat at his writing desk. The view of the twin lakes provided such a serene setting that it was almost too easy for his meditations to slide into napitations. Dozing slightly, he was rudely startled by a pigeon that flapped right into his lap; upon it’s ankle was tied a message which Borin knew immediately by the color it was marked urgent.

    Unwrapping the message, Borin quickly began reading: “My great and trusted friend, I need you speak with you urgently. Please come to the tower at the square of the village proper.”

    Without even stopping to check his blade’s sharpness nor to grab his travel bag, Borin flew out the door. He arrived at the tower to find Jupiter busy with what appeared to be less than urgent matters.

    “I wish to lock this dow…,” Jupiter trailed his comment off as he heard the doors fly open. “Ahh yes, Borin. Thank you for coming so quickly! I was wondering… could you tell me if that tapestry of Sosaria looks properly set where it is?”

    A visible expression of exasperation passed over Borin’s face, “This is the urgent matter? I departed as soon as I received your message, and this is the urgent matter at hand?”

    “Oh, certainly not, but I figured while we await those who have agreed to accompany you, why not arrange a few things? We only get to make a first impression once you know!”

    With a slight grumble, Borin nodded, and began helping Jupiter rearrange the furniture in the tower for perhaps the twentieth time this week.


    “Thank you all for coming,” Jupiter announced to the unsuspecting warriors who filled the chairs in the main tower, “the reason I have summoned you is that we need somebody to assist our brave warriors Catalin and Borin Drake on a mission to obtain information on some most troubling rumors. We have heard reports of a giant one-eyed creature roaming the forests just north of Britain. The call that you have answered, brave warriors and fair maidens, is to accompany Catalin and Borin while they attempt to ascertain the truth behind these reports. Unfortunately, you cannot depart on this journey equipped as well as you may be used to. We fear there are spies and scouts all around watching Paws. If we were to send out a fully armed force, there is no doubt we would be noticed at once and our plan might be discovered before we even reach the north end of Britain. Therefore, make way to Britain as an assorted caravan of folks. There you should acquire some meager resources, as well as some proper disguises to help you sneak passed the guards of Demise.


    Bravely following Jupiter’s advice the group moved slowly through Britain. They stopped for a bit in the taverns, so as to pass as common travelers. But there was one with an astute eye for adventure. A man named NOZGOTH, found the bunch in the tavern near the river. He was quickly added to the roster of adventurers, and the group moved on again to the cemetery to obtain disguises.

    The armor fashioned out of bones was indeed rank, but even the fair maidens were extremely cooperative with the plan and donned the few bits of bone armor necessary to try and mask their scent.


    Deep within the halls of Demise, the group passed with little incident through the halls. It seems their disguises had worked after all! The Ettin guards had fallen for the disguises and the charade that they were all the Ettin King’s prisoners. But their disguises and ruse were lost once they reached the Titans!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [Mobolin] and Mes like this.
  2. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Looks as if the party had quite the experience. Mayhaps you should have hired the Titan King as well. A valiant trek.o_O
    Jupiter likes this.
  3. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Great googalee moogalee! I must have been exhausted when I posted the pictures! I'm just glad I didn't post the pic where I was bad mouthing everyone behind their backs...
  4. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Aye, so am I. You know you only have one reputation, and you do need friends to carry you when the going get tough.
    Vlar, Aeritas and Jupiter like this.
  5. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Thank you Jupiter and Aeritas for the kindness. You are true Gentlemen and friends.
    Aeritas and Vlar like this.

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