Little Info Help

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by Shel, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. Shel

    Shel New Member

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I once played UO long time ago (like 10 years ago or so) and I recently decided to come back. But since my previous shard is now gone, and considering that UO shards are so much different one from another, I would like to do two questions if possible:

    1. Whats the closest class (or set of skills) for a PvP support? (by support I mean someone that can heal and buff allies, if theres anything like that at all)

    2. And finally, what would be the first steps towards getting started and getting some skills training.

    Might seem two generic questions but like I said, shard to shard things turn green to red and red to green, how the system works might be worlds apart from what I was expecting.

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S.:Sorry but I didnt know where else to make this post, so since I´m more interested in PvP then anything else, I made it here.
  2. Bixby Legbone

    Bixby Legbone Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2015
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    1. Probably 1. magery, 2. meditation, 3. evaluating intelligence, 4.resisting spells, 5. wrestling, 6. healing, 7. anatomy.. this is if you want to theoretically be able to heal people as much as possible using magic spells and also bandages.

    2. get yourself a peacemake/dexxer character built. music/peacemake you can macro afk overnight or two, then swords/tactics/anatomy/healing/some magery for recalls.. this character will be your initial gold farmer so you can buy a house and buy regs to train skills on your main char such as magery. peacemake puts monsters to sleep so you can bash on them without taking much damage, so you can train your weapon skill/tactics/ and anatomy while hitting on a monster you put to sleep.
  3. Shel

    Shel New Member

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Very valuable information, much apreciated. :)

    Thanks for the quick answer! Now I have a plan to follow.
  4. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    5x mage med eval resist wrestle and then stun and scribe. You can get away with no dmg sitting back and healing with reflect and stun whoever overextends..

    Make a bard takes a couple days to finish farm up 50k use it all on your mage for magery and resist

    PS I don't think you will ever successfully heal someone with bandages as the most you'll be standing still in pvp is when casting an ebolt
    Animal Control likes this.
  5. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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