Looking for a Few Good Vendors

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by LanDarr, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Why Yew No Buy? is looking for a few good vendors !! First and foremost I would like to round out the selection available at the shop. Secondly I would like to have someone take over a couple of spots that I am personally filling right now.

    The biggest need right now is for an Alchemist !

    However looking to add:
    Tailor/Smith Rewards:

    Also looking for:
    Scribe to take over my spot Selling Scrolls, Empty Runebooks and Spellbooks
    GM Smith to take over my spot selling GM Weapons, GM Armor and Repair Deeds
    Carpentry: Got one person right now taking over

    The RULES:

    1. Stay in your Lane - Sell what you agreed to sell. No in-house competition
    2. Leave any Drama at the Front door - your enemies' gold spends just as well as your friends
    3. Maintain a good vendor - that means keeping it stocked, and well organized

    **Advice*** this is a high traffic area, so price and stock accordingly. Look at the other vendors in the area to get an idea of the going rates. DO NOT get into a price war you cant afford to lose... Cause if you are constantly out of stock due to overly low prices, you will lose your regular customers...

    Current vendors have first dibs at filling the open positions.... Send me PMs with your vendor application

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