Macros and Hotkeys for the Mad Man

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Hollywood, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2017
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    Lately I have found myself creating many more specific macros with hotkeys. It is going to take some time and effort to apply them all to muscle memory, but in the long run it will pay off for efficiency.

    My questions for any interested in the topic:

    How in-depth do you go with your daily macros/hotkeys?

    Recall resource gathering aside, do you have macros for your top 3 recall spots or do you double click your runebook for every single location selection?

    Is your screen littered with spell icons that you click, or do you have a macro for example invising yourself?

    Is there a method to your madness in your keyboard layout?

    Suggestions for various ideas (Feel free to add suggestions and post your macros):
    Gating you/ and your pets
    Claim lists
    Bank---> Restock Macros/Organizer Agents
    Looting (Restock Macros)
    House Macros (locking, unlocking, detect hidden)
    Pets Attacking (Closest, Grey, Murderer)
    Client Resync

    Example of one of my macros:

    Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|52|3|ENU|5|48|232|22|49|108|All Follow Me
    Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|52|3|ENU|5|48|232|22|49|108|All Follow Me
    This macro gates to my stable of choice from my runebook and continues to stable both of my normally used dragons.

    I'll give another simple one:

    This one I use for my Battle Miner. Once an elemental pops up, I just hit my F3 key and it uses Peacemaking and targets closest grey:

    Looks like this in razor:

    Erza Scarlet likes this.
  2. Sapharious

    Sapharious Active Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    I am a macro minimalist. Not for any philosophical reasons, I just find myself not using them a lot.

    I am the one with spell icons all over the screen divided into categories.
    I have F5-F12 hot keyed the same on all spell casting characters. Since 1997 I have had F9 set to Greater Heal (and set to heal self on bandage users), F10 to Cure, F11 to Teleport, and F12 to Recall. Muscle memory has saved me many times. F5-F8 are quick attacks.. F5 Paralyse, F6 EB, F7 Poison, and F8 FS. All my characters use the same keyboard commands Alt+key for banking, buy, sell, skill use, etc. makes it easy to transition.

    I have no macros for everyday activity or recalling to spots. I manually open runebook and cast away. My most complicated macro currently is a auto-heal that checks if health under 99 and not poisoned then use greater heal potion if available, if not use bandage on self, if poisoned it uses cure potion if available or uses bandage if not.
    I use simple ones mainly like "lumberjack east" that runs until I stop it, spinning wheel to loom, etc and I set up many small ones for training/sparring.

    I could definitely do more with macros. My brain just doesn't think with the same logic required, same reason I always struggled with programming I guess.

    I will say, I have played on servers that allowed unattended resource gathering in the past (not a fan) and had some pretty long automated gathering systems running. Just no real reason to run long scripts otherwise. Your thread has got me thinking that I could automate some of my playtime more though. :)
    Hollywood likes this.
  3. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    I am still trying to build my hotkey final system...
    Playing in a notebook is not easy... i would love the f1-f11 keys... so i always need a double key hotkey..
    I made a topic about it what helped me to group them all in the same side of the keyboard. I am buying a MMO mouse, with some extra keys, specially for targeting hotkeys(still my weaker point), so necessary in pVp situations .
    Now i use:
    Vet macros and tamming commands using the first numbers(using control and shift)
    Healing myself, pots and provo key on the left side keyboard.
    House doors macros, dagger, recall, loot, resto, gate macro and another ones on the right side of the keyboard.

    I need to improve more destinations on te recall and gate macro and also the offensive spells hotkeys
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
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  4. Nusir

    Nusir Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2017
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    I mainly base my macro templates on 2 main default templates. My mage / tamer one and the 'other' one.

    Mage / tamer has my main offensive spells in the same place along with defensive and then pet commands and house commands such as claim pets, stable and use bandage > target pet.

    Main spells on the F keys, numbers for other spells and then number pad for commands.

    The 'other' template is the mules... A but of everything... Use item > last target, etc for mining, wool collecting and crafting etc.

    Also I use the Logitech MX master buttons for targeting and the G 13 for macros.

    Most of my clever macros are for afk stuff.

    Hollywood likes this.
  5. Vella

    Vella Well-Known Member
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    Aug 9, 2014
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    i advise getting every single thing you can down to a hotkey and/or macro. get a piece of paper and write out a keyboard layout ( i used flash cards for a while there ). map out the entire keyboard then add columns for each modifier like ctrl/alt/shift. I tend to make all things "hostile" on CTRL. all things "positive" on ALT. and i'd say the idea of shift is "Function". magic trap/add to use once...stable/claim...mounting/dismounting,taming nearest. don't forget to add them together for even more options.
    Erza Scarlet, Hollywood and Xavant_BR like this.
  6. Sapharious

    Sapharious Active Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Yeah I love the F key macros, one hit and go. Back in the earlier days when I PvPed more I had F2-F12 and Alt+F2-F12 setup.. and Alt+1 thru + too.

    I like the grouping by type by key idea. Might start using that.
    Hollywood likes this.
  7. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
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    Apr 14, 2017
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    I've started the process of grouping my Hotkeys. Definitely going to take some getting use to especially with some I have been using for the past 20ish years.

    So far I have grouped up my recall, gate, and some misc. on the Number Pad. For example:

    7, 4, 1 Column are for my quick recalls
    8, 5, 2 Column for quick gates
    9, 6, 3 Will be for Restocks and Organizers.. 9 Restocking Regs, Bandaids, and Pots from bank. 6 Organizer agent to stash gps, plat, hcoin in bank.. 3 haven't decided yet.

    / Say Bank
    * Say Vendor Buy
    - Enable/ Disable Hotkeys
    0 Open Runebook

    Using Notepad to list and organize all my hotkeys so I can look over until I fully get use to it all without having to look at it.

    Xavant_BR likes this.
  8. midgetbob

    midgetbob Well-Known Member
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    Apr 22, 2016
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    There aren't many "convenience" macros that I've set to hotkeys... most of them I'll just click the appropriate "play" button from Razor.

    I've used the same set of basic macros since I started playing, though. After a quick mental math, like 43 of them. These are the ones that are coming to me right away at any rate... I'm sure there are more, but muscle memory is better than actual memory.
  9. Cronos

    Cronos Well-Known Member
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    Jan 29, 2018
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    I"m old school. I type my pet commands. Bandages are a hotkey combo, I recall and gate by hand(even when being PK'ed). Something about the rush of being quick. I do use macros for training and tracking though. Ohh and three organizing agents.

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