Check out the bundles of vanq's - they were looked from Culls stock room - mix'd bags i wont list the # of each wep, but I show the total count. I'm pricing them low so they blow out!.. if you have questions direct them to the creep. A) Spotty Swords Bundle - 56 mix'd bag, lots of kats! - SB 40k B) Battle Axe Warrior Bundle - 45 axes total - wicked pvp stocker! - SB 65k C) The Iderp Fencer - 9 Items - 4 Long Spears - SB 40k D) "Mase - Feel so good" Bundle - 30pc total - SB 15k E) Lil Bow Wow Bundle - 14 Vanq Bows - WOW! Good % of reg bows. - SB 25k