Memories of Blood - A Tribute to WispFelt Village

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by The Wanderer, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. The Wanderer

    The Wanderer New Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    I awake in a tavern. I have never been here, but somehow it feels familiar.


    Memories come flooding back. I am once again thrown into a battle. The smell of blood fills my nostrils and I choke back the acrid rising bile in my throat. I am laying in the mud, and I can feel the pain from what seems like a thousand unhealed wounds.

    But there is no fear in me for beside me stands my trusted companion Charm. A nightmare steed who chose to befriend me and fight along my side for as long as we remain close to feel the magical bond between us. He stands over our last foe and guards me as I gather my strength and my wits, but he knows as well as I that our time is short. Our fallen enemy has many allies in these parts where the roads from 3 different cities cross. These murderers have claimed what has become known as the Crossroads in these realms since the dawn of time.

    My fears are quickly realized as a portal opens steps from us and 5 warriors step through. Charm charged into battle valiantly but he was no match for 5 warriors without my help and he was quickly subdued. The leader of the band who was fully dressed in a suit of bone armor then dismounted and pulled his axe from the scabbard.

    “You again is it? How many times must we tell you these parts are closed to outsiders? The game, the ore, the lumber, the monsters. Everything in these parts belongs to US.” I kept my mouth shut as I frantically tried to call upon some allies to help me but there were none who could hear the messages I sent with my mind. The leader continued, “Well I suppose your companion over here now does too. I am going to lock him up until he goes mad and can no longer remember you. I will then beat him into submission until all he remembers is doing my bidding or pain.”

    I still remember the scream that left my throat as if I had been a third party observer of the event instead of the one who experienced it first hand. That is my final memory before a blow from his axe took the remainder of the strength I had left and passed away into oblivion.

    Memories give way to sensations. And sensations begin to form new experiences. Thus in the moments that are now, we dwell in preparation to draw from the past the conclusions that lead us to the moral imperative. What one ought to do going forward. Anger and hate fill me up to the brim. I prepare to cast a protective spell but I cannot find the words of power in my memories. I search frantically for my spellbook in my pack. I open it to the first page and my fears are confirmed. I do not posses the knowledge to cast many spells.

    I search my bag for any kind of a weapon and all I can find is a knife. It feels unfamiliar in my grasp and I do not have the required skill and dexterity to use it effectively. There is also some coin and bandages but I do not recall how I acquired them. No matter. I must go back to the Crossroads to investigate.


    I try to send a message to my allies with my mind, but I cannot seem to focus my energies to reach them. The path between us is severed. This will be difficult. As I walk around the city, things begin to come back to me. Oh I bought my very first horse from this Stable! I approach the Stable Master and purchase a Horse. I begin to ride towards the Crossroads.


    I ride through the mountain passes that I now remember vividly. I am close to the dwellings of my adversaries. I equip my only weapon and charge in towards the houses I can see in the distance.


    I run close to one of the doors that looks to be in used often to hide and wait for someone to come out, but the door opens instantly. I panic thinking someone is about to attack me from inside of the house and take a few steps back. I notice the sign reads WispFelt Arts n Crafts. I go inside and I see images from the past. Decorations from a time before the trees lost their leaves in the realm. Decorations from a time where blood did not run in these parts so freely. A turntable? A Christmas tree? Potted plants! I am dumbfounded and awestruck. On the way out I notice the neat shape of a worm I missed in my haste on the way in.


    The next door proves to be open too. A Guard tower and vendor shops… I can see why someone would place a Guard tower here. You can easily see the Library and Pub from the top of the tower! Inside the pub there is plenty of food and drink to be had. The library is an impressive large tower. Both beautifully decorated and very useful at the same time. If the titles of these books are correct, the locations they will allow one to open a portal to, are the most important places of the realm. It must have taken one a long time to compile all of this knowledge in one place. And to leave one’s door to everyone to use this knowledge is quite admirable. What is this place? There is even a smith shop with tools to repair your weapons and armor!


    My search finally brings me to something so breathtaking that I can no longer contain myself. I fall to my knees and blink away tears to keep my eyes open. And I remember. I left that world. I left what I was. For a chance to start again I threw everything I had away and rolled the dice once more. This is a new world. I have begun with a clean slate once again in search of my destiny. And on this world and in this one place, where I have only memories of blood, stands now a beautiful garden and within it a wisp peacefully floats around.


    After what seems like a lifetime has passed I notice a woman standing in the doorway who was not there when I arrived. She gives me time to gather myself and approaches as I stand.
    "And who might you be traveler?"
    "The Wanderer. Who and where is this Traveler?" I ask as I brandish my knife.
    "Witty," she smiles.
    "What is this place? How are all these doors unlocked?"
    "This is my Village and these houses are unlocked because they are open to the public to use," she replies. "Do you want me to show you around?"
    "No lady. I have seen this village and the beautiful gardens. I just don't think it is safe in these parts and would fear for my safety if I were you" I said. I then bowed and turned to go as she watched.
    "Oh Traveler?"
    "Wanderer," I insisted absently and heard whispers of words of power as I turned back. I then froze at the sight of her with a ball of flames dancing on top of her open palm.
    "Thank you for your warning but I am sure I will manage."
    It was my turn to stand there and watch as she turned and walked away.
    BlackEye, Zyler, Random and 6 others like this.
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Bravo! And welcome to the realm!

    From the sound of your final and most brutal memories, it seems you came from a world where Terror reigned in the fields and roads near Skara Brae. I have distant memories of the same terrifying guards that roamed those forests.

    Make no mistake, evil still abounds in this realm, but you will definitely find many things that once were are no longer; and they have been supplanted by many things that are breathtaking and remarkable!

    Send word to Paws or the Project Sanctuary if you have need of assistance as you regain your footing. Many of us understand the toll that the journey to this realm has on your body. I am sure that Marjo, the Governess of Wispfelt, would aid you as well if you find her about.

    Mind you, she detests blood letting for any reason, even when it might be justified. So I suggest you mind your words whilst in her presence for even the mention of it may turn her mood sour.

    - Jupiter
    Random and newme like this.
  3. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I cannot say enough in appreciation that a tortured soul from that realm of evil, found his way to my home, to find it a place of welcoming.

    Welcome to this world, Wanderer, even though there still abides darkness here, there are many who offer light.

    May your journeys be many and your live here long.

    Random likes this.

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