New Nightmare/Dragons Equivalent

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Miami, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. Miami

    Miami Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jan 26, 2019
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    It's just a bunch of dragons and nightmares everywhere when it could be Phoenix, Basilisk, Wolves, Nightmares and Dragons at the least.

    Basilisk - Poison or Strength Equivalent to Nightmares/Dragons (Green hue) Equally as rare as Mare spawn or more.

    Phoenix - Not sure if you can enlarge a pixel like you can make it smaller but an Orange hued bird with fire breath or something that teleports like Fluffy. Hard AF to tame. Put a timer on it? Not so much like the current Phoenix-- puny.

    Heavenly Hounds - All white or gold hue, strong but like the Ozzys, in a pack, they're bad MF. Pack perk. Random spawn?

    Steeds - Lucky Charms was a foot in the right direction, make a super rare Silver Steed that spawns in the most obscure, non visited areas. Two a year or some crazy shit. Hard AF to tame. Teleports because I hate it. Also different normal hued horses. Spotted, grey, grey blue, Cream etc.

    Chris has already taking UO mechanics where I never thought it could be but as the server states, it can always be perfected. I'm a fan of Mare packs and small pixel Dragons but I'm a bigger fan of possible diversity with all these Tamer wars and Tamer PKs. More balance, more fun.

    (While I'm here, archery bonus like warhammers but only within 3 tiles of opponent/player so there is risk involved for the archer to land a devastating hit)

    @Telamon @Samorite
  2. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Telamon seems to have a good feel for new where the line is between "history perfected" and "let's turn this into another game entirely with excessively silly and neon crap". As someone who almost always uses a tamer I believe that they are already powerful enough. I don't want them to be nerfed like some do but at the same time I don't think there should be anything more powerful than a mare pack or two dragons as they exist today. I was thinking it would be cool to get a pair of fluffies, then I saw people in every Discord channel I am talking about getting them. Maybe I am just a weird but I like to see people using dragons to farm and champ. I would not want to see fluffy's become the new "norm", partly because I think they are ugly (I still want some) and would hate to see many/most dragons eventually get replaced with fluffies, and partly because I like to feel that the dragons I already have are good enough forever and I would not look forward to having the unreasonable goal of putting a pair on each tamer.

    So yeah I think your idea could work if were done correctly but it could also go very badly if done incorrectly.
    Miami likes this.

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