Hi Is it possible to set a new path for razor? I my case I would like the XML-files for each character to be saved on Google drive since I use different computers..... Hope to hear from you Cheers
Hello, You can drop the whole uor folder into Google Drive and use from there! Otherwise you can make a symbolic link (google that) just for razor folder. With that kind of sync software you always have a chance to duplicate files and have some issues, if you understand how they work you will be fine. I do it and works well.
Hi, thanks for your reply. That is exactly what I would like to do, BUT (and maybe that is just me who do not understand it all). I have copied the files from my C-drive to Google - but what file should I execute (normally I just go start->UO Renaissance launcher and then push the button "Enter Britannia") - so could u could please write how I should do this? :-/ Eventually I probably have different path (from my different computers) - also to Google Drive.......is that a problem? Looking forward to some newbie help here Cheers
This is how I did it, you need to run these commands from CMD. Computer 1: mklink /J "C:\Games\UORenaissance\Razor\CUO" "E:\Google Drive\Cloud_Games\Razor\CUO" Computer 2: mklink /J "C:\Games\UORenaissance\Razor\CUO" "E:\Google Drive\Cloud_Games\Razor\CUO" Same folder structure on both computers, complete Razor folder resides on E:\Google Drive... etc. you just make symbolic link to the folder where you have the game installed. I didn't test with different folder structure but should work. If you have available space at cloud you can move the whole "UORenaissance" folder and just point your launcher there into settings tab, way easier. I setup this some years ago and kept it this way since then, probably not the best haha